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The LNG price boom : Comments

By Michael Knox, published 8/11/2022

Strong energy demand in the Indo-Pacific, not just Europe, is driving up the LNG price.

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Liquified Natural Gas is liquified methane. Methane can be manufactured by converting organic waste into biogas> methane and some CO2<

It can be scrubbed through a simple process then compressed to become LNG! As manmade biogas made in easily constructed, two tank systems an inexhaustible supply that we can make ourselves for free, once we've recovered the tanks construction/assembly costs.

Anybody creating organic waste, sewerage spoiled food or use by date organics can use any of that in the fermentation tanks that turn it into biogas reusable water and carbon rich soil improver. That in turn improves moisture retention. So, don't waste your waste while making price gouging oil companies, greedy insatiable profit driven monsters, obscenely rich.

Then there are things like our salt, drought and frost resistant native wisteria, that produces an oil rich seed that can produce an oil that can be used unrefined in diesel engines with the ex-crush being a protein rich stock food.

Then there is a blue green alga that is 60% oil that can also be used unrefined. Then there's the nuclear option that the sane have embraced. as clean safe carbon-free energy, that as MSR thorium is cleaner, safer and cheaper than coal when coal fired power was available at 3 cents PKWH.

Thorium is the most energy dense material on the planet, why just 8 grams of thorium contains enough energy to power your house and car for a century. Almost everyone has some.

From my quarter acre block I could recover as much as 8 grams from the topsoil. A handful of Mumbai sand could power India for a year.

MSR technology operates at ambient air pressure. And cannot melt down given it operates in a designed molten state.

These cost saving/reducing factors reduce the cost of nuclear by the power of ten and then some, as MSR thorium, and make power prices as low as 1.98 cents PkwH, the median price. Minus the price gouging that comes with asinine agreed foreign control.

Fantasy? Only in the moribund minds of the abysmally ignorant/useful idiots, who do not read!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 8 November 2022 10:56:20 AM
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Strong demand or not, we cannot go on burning/exporting fossil fuels like there's no tomorrow. Because there won't be!

We could go on using carbon neutral without increasing CO2 levels. But if we start now today relying solely on carbon-free fuels we may, just may, avoid a tipping point from which there's no way back!

Just the most modest changes in ambient temperatures can and has resulted in disastrous outcomes as fire storms and raging foods destroy homes, livelihoods and lives. As totally indifferent policy makers weep crocodile tears but change little in practice or intended outcomes/unintended consequences.

Ultra-expensive, manufacturing killing renewables they crow, as these economy killing monstrosities are rolled out with great fanfare by mealy mouthed hypocrites.

Hypocrites who preside over mounting coal and gas exports and climate change that we/they export. Wouldn't know the time of day, but for the clocks.

Nuclear? Not on your nelly regardless of the mounting evidence that they are the carbon free Saviour that will not also tank the domestic economy, but rather put it on turbocharged steroids, even as we head toward another possible Great Depression!

We don't need to export coal and gas when we could export affordable hydrogen made ultra-affordable by the uptake of MSR thorium as the power source.

Nothing but nothing cheaper than thorium. Thorium delivers all that fusion promised but has never ever delivered and may never ever do so.

Time for the tuggers to pull their heads out of those warm and comfortable places, take off the blinkers and face inevitable reality and an inevitable, nuclear-powered future.

Nothing else stacks up or even comes close. Particularly if the non-flagged taxpayer funded, mandate free, subsidies that prop up renewables are removed.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 8 November 2022 11:37:56 AM
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Without nuclear power the Earth would be lifeless !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 8 November 2022 8:09:38 PM
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