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The Forum > Article Comments > Data retention and the devotees of mass surveillance > Comments

Data retention and the devotees of mass surveillance : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 14/10/2022

Despite such warnings, the Joint Committee approved the bill, subject to a number of vague and ineffectual recommendations about security and appropriate data use.

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Australians should be protecting themselves by backing off technology. There is no pointing complaining about loss of privacy and scams when you have willingly handed over personal information to get something you don’t actually need - you stupid people.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 14 October 2022 8:16:45 AM
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And then!

In days gone by, the ledgers were locked away in the strong room at the end of the day, the filing cabinets and office doors locked and not alarmed, since alarms on doors and windows were unheard of, and it was the job of the police to patrol the streets at night safeguarding the community:

And then came the obsessions with private enterprise, which spread like a wildfire bolstering the criminal element, seen increasingly wearing expensive suits and rendering Julias Marlo’s obsolete:

And then the same criminal element began to appear on ballot papers at local elections, spreading their influence into broader Government,

And then IT; a new frontier for the wealthy and expensively suited criminal to ply their trade:

And then came legislation overseen by them, ensuring all possibilities for plunder were confined to a select few of criminals known AKA politicians, would profit exclusively from inside information:

And then the Binoy Kampmark‘s of the world began to write stories exposing the corruption at the top.

And then the same Binoy Kampmark‘s began to disappear…

And then …!?

And then? The Dans of the world began to speak openly of political corruption …

And then?
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 14 October 2022 8:34:58 AM
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Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Always providing what one does or looks at in the privacy of one's home is not also part of data collection. And means personal privacy laws and rights need legislated protection.

We know for example, that various non-government entities collect data to support personalized marketing. So, if the government also collects personal data to support national security? What has really changed?

Sadly since 9/11 we know that there are people in the community that wish us harm. We also know that there's drug dealers pushing drugs on kids, other engaged in people trafficking. So, if mass surveillance picks some of this up and prevents it and loss of life or liberty.

Then it's the lessor of two evils and essential for lawful law enforcement and the protection of civil rights, given such surveillance can also work against corrupt government/officialdom/police brutality!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 14 October 2022 10:25:46 AM
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Binoy is right about this.

The worst thing on these new digital IDs they are desperately trying to bring in will be your Health Records.
Because that seemingly harmless Covid Approval App on there, will be more than just your Health Record. It will be a Citizen Approval App, capable of changing your green approval to red, to block access to your Bank Acct, home loans, jobs, rental housing at the whim of a politician or bank with just a computer key stroke.

Those QRscan Covid Pass apps are already being used in China against anyone who protests against the CCP government.
Their citizens thought it was their health record too, until it suddenly turned red and they couldn't access their Bank Accts.

It also gives the government the right to pull up all you Facebook posts and penalise you if you point out something wrong the government is doing. Penalize you by shutting down your access to your Bank Acct.

It is the ultimate slavery. Digital slavery.

This is their true aim, not all the convenience and fight crime stuff they are gaslighting about.
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 16 October 2022 2:02:03 PM
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Cherful. Risible rubbish, this is not China, and our health records are protected by legislation. Try talking from a little higher up next time!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 16 October 2022 2:11:01 PM
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Alan B

They want to bring in these New QRscan Digital IDs for the very reason that a lot of information can be stored on them.

They plan to replace our debit and credit cards we pay with at the checkouts,with them. In fact they have already been tabled in parliament to be debated by the parliament.
Senator Adam Antic revealed this recently, on Skynews

I don't know about you, but I don't want that
Covid citizen Approval control App, anywhere on a digital ID that I have to access my bank acct at the checkouts, with.

You can bury your head in the sand,but I'm keeping my eyes right on what our politicians are doing. The price of freedom is eternal

Also, The European Union Parliament has just held an investigation into Phizer, where Phizer marketing employees,confessed they have never seen any study's or any proof that the vaccines ever stopped the spread of the virus. I'll paste in the European Union Parliament questioning these people below.
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 16 October 2022 11:04:53 PM
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