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Barnaby’s mistake but Nationals’ endgame : Comments

By Scott Prasser, published 9/2/2022

Revelations of Barnaby Joyce’s critical indiscrete text messages about Prime Minister Morrison last year while showing his lack of judgement, discipline and loyalty, also highlights the National Party’s ineptness in restoring him as leader.

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You must be joking Scott.

So you bundle-up your complaint against the National Party as a them and us.
It’s not a them and us mate, it’s a “them”, Politicians par se.

What should happen here (Re Joyce) is, his behaviour highlights the need for drug and alcohol testing of politicians before entering through the doors of our National Parliament.

Obviously the drinking culture in Canberra is out of control!

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 8:58:53 AM
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Joyce is at this stage the highest most likely cause to cost the Coalition the upcoming election.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 9:08:10 AM
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I am sure Scott meant indiscreet, not 'indiscrete'.

Joyce believed what he said about Morrison, and he could well be right; apologies and offers of resignation will make no difference - ever. Their relationship is stuffed.

If Morrison wasn't capable of being discreet, as Joyce is not, he could write any number of emails about Joyce's idiocy.

Joyce should retire from politics altogether. But so should a lot of politicians. Joyce is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the appalling immaturity and incompetence of Australia's political class.

As for whether or not the now-untrustworthy Liberals can trust the Nationals - could the Liberals ever gain government without them? That's the big advantage Labor has: they stick to each other like poo to a blanket. Labor knows what loyalty to their party is all about. The Liberals, since Turnbull/Morrison have no loyalty to their creed nor to their supporters, who are leaving them in droves.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 9:28:20 AM
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Sorry, mate. But I disagree. Simply put, (tomato head) Barnaby was being his usual brutally honest forthright self. Assuming his email was a private message and not for public consumption? And an embarrassment now it has leaked. Now that it has, he and Scomo, can become best buddies as the facade they create for the public and reelection purposes!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 9 February 2022 9:59:51 AM
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*…Joyce is at this stage the highest most likely cause to cost the Coalition the upcoming election…*

I don’t think so.

The unfortunate reality of the election Circus event to come is, we will see one or the other if these miss-fit organisations given power to rule the tortured majority, leaving them with no choices but to suffer from future consequences based on evidence continually before us of their disconnect from the reality of the consequences of decision making, or lack of it!

There are no winners here, only those mistakenly given the reins of power through the false understanding of voters that their vote actually matters.

It’s no wonder Putin is so popular; he actually displays a sense of determination and ability to achieve a goal based on the good of his Country.
So did Trump.

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 11:49:01 AM
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*… I am sure Scott meant indiscreet, not 'indiscrete'…*

It took me awhile, but finally I got…well done!

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 9 February 2022 11:56:30 AM
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