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The Forum > Article Comments > Skewed responsibility: Australian war crimes in Afghanistan > Comments

Skewed responsibility: Australian war crimes in Afghanistan : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 27/11/2020

A 'warrior culture' also comes in for some withering treatment, which is slightly odd given the kill and capture tasks these men have been given with mind numbing regularity.

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Condemned via allegation. This is one of the most disgraceful episodes in our history. If anyone should be brought to book it is the Australian politicians, particularly the Prime Ministers, who sent our troops to the world's shitholes in the first place. We have only one enemy that might need fighting in the future - China. The way that this country is talking about the ADF will see nobody wanting to defend it.

"We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 November 2020 8:29:29 AM
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Not convinced this isn't an underhanded effort to further neuter our defensive capability
Posted by jamo, Friday, 27 November 2020 10:00:00 AM
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>Condemned via allegation.
Multiple allegations, many from the soldiers themselves, that were investigated and found to be credible. It's likely criminal charges will follow.

Do you really have a problem with that? Can you think of an alternative process that would not involve allegations?

>This is one of the most disgraceful episodes in our history.
Correct - some of our soldiers have been undermining our interests in the region.

Just like those American BLM protests who turned violent when they perceived they were under attack from the police, they ultimately betrayed their cause even though they didn't set out to be traitors.

>If anyone should be brought to book it is the Australian politicians, particularly the
>Prime Ministers, who sent our troops to the world's shitholes in the first place.
Maybe with hindsight they shouldn't've been sent there - but our PMs' decisions on this were for good reasons, and certainly weren't a crime.

>We have only one enemy that might need fighting in the future - China.
China is NOT our enemy. Though it now appears that President Xi is our enemy and is trying to stir up animosity between our countries - but there's no reason to help him!

>The way that this country is talking about the ADF will see nobody wanting to defend it.
The way they were talking about the Australian cricket team after the ball tampering scandal (which involved a worryingly similar culture of turning a blind eye) didn't put people off wanting to join it. Why should this be any different?

> "We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night
> to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
Yes, and that's an important job. But in the long term it's better to reduce people's motive to do us harm.
Posted by Aidan, Friday, 27 November 2020 10:12:25 AM
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Our politicans are capable any underhanded acts these days. You are right to be suspicious of everything they say and do. There is little if any difference in the brands; they are probably all looking forward to the Great Reset, which includes no political system, but would still include at the top the political class that is well trained to lie and deceive; not to mention locking us down.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 November 2020 10:36:35 AM
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Even so, that's not an excuse any more than I was following orders!

One notes that in pre-war Nazi Germany, none of the known excesses were actually illegal!

Professional soldiers, follow the rules of engagement and do not set themselves up as Judge, Jury and executioner! Albeit, able to return fire with interest?

We've done ourselves no favours nor made it easier for those new intakes that follow!

It's not just the war that needs to be won, but hearts and minds also! And by all accounts, not how it's done!

Finally, these blokes need air cover on demand as well as dedicated artillery, that can be used to push back against terrorists wearing civies! And able to detonate IUDs with just a cell phone! We need tracking technology that can enable an immediate drone launched missile or artillery reprisal

We, President Trump, needs some testicular fortitude and able to use tactical nuclear weapons at critical border crossings that are currently as porous as Swiss cheese!

We also need to be able to incentivate the civilian population to give up the Taliban fighters in their midst! With say a crime stoppers anonymous dedicated phone service and a secret payment for legitimate outcomes. Not by inspiring fear and reprisals!

As things stand, the Russians have placed a bounty on the heads of US soldiers. And to the deafening silence of the current American President, who could respond, as suggested above.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 27 November 2020 11:26:12 AM
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Responsibility for invasion, the ensuing guerrilla warfare, civilian deaths and inevitable “war crimes”, must be identified; but for the purposes of this inquiry there must be strict application of the Yamashita Standard. The knee jerk punishment of squaddies is a diversion.
Posted by Leslie, Friday, 27 November 2020 11:56:14 AM
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