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Benefits of equality : Comments

By John Avery, published 12/6/2020

Although years of slavery were ended after the Civil War, and despite the efforts of the Civil Rights Movement, racisim is widespread today.

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I would personally like to congratulate, John Avery, the author of this racist, white hating article, for contributing it to OLO for examination.

John begins by quoting the great leaders of the Age of Enlightenment, conveniently forgetting to mention that this period of history, which had such a significant impact on all of human civilisation, was began by the white western civilisation he despises.

His premise is, that everything bad that ever happened to the world is all the fault of Europeans. Which is a racist premise in itself. He equates racism with colonialism, by that of course he means white racism and white colonialism, as the root of all evil.

Of course, never mentioning non white racism and non white colonialism is a pre requisite for espousing this type of self flagellating "logic."

His only example of clearly cruel and utterly contemptible white colonialism was King Leopold of Belgium's disgusting cruelties in the Congo. This he equates with all European colonialism. Gee, that's funny. Using the same logic and applying it to black people is what black activists call "racial profiling", which is sin when applied to blacks, but not apparently to whites.

John presents the usual Quixotic claim "we can save all the problems of the world" if only the "rich" (meaning of course "whites") would stop spending money on armaments. This neglects to point out that western democracies never go to war with each other. And as long as totalitarians keep trying for world or regional domination, the democracies are forced to spend money to defend themselves. The democracies dropped that ball before WW2 and we nearly lost the war.

Lastly comes the spurious claim that the Scandinavian countries are leading the way in reforming white western civilisation. Let's look at Sweden. It went socialist, realised it made a mistake, and went capitalist. It abolished all censorship was so shocked by the results that it reinstated it. Last, it embraced multiculturalism to such a degree that Sweden will be the first European country to have a Muslim majority population and join the bloody caliphate.

Some triumph.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 12 June 2020 9:31:23 AM
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In amongst all that expressive condemnation of the appalling treatment of the native peoples of other countries by Europeans, I can find no mention of the cruel and inhumane behaviour of those very people towards their own. Many of these native people had slaves, all had a history of massacre and torture of their own. Africans were the ones who trapped their tribal enemies and sold them into slavery. Native Americans had slaves, those enemies they hadn’t tortured to death in the most horrific manner.
Mans inhumanity towards man isn’t restricted to European people, it has always existed amongst every race, and the European slave trade was certainly no worse than that which existed in the Muslim world and involved up to 15 million people and wasn’t outlawed until 1924.
Nor is there any mention that the British were the ones to push for the abolishment of slavery, which led to other countries abandoning the practise as well.
Posted by Big Nana, Friday, 12 June 2020 9:47:26 AM
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The author is more of a 'theoretical realist' than a 'theoretical chemist'. He describes in the final section of his article a world that he would like to see - we would all like to see - but it so lacks reality that his vision is theoretical or utopian.
Posted by Bernie Masters, Friday, 12 June 2020 10:51:01 AM
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As usually, it's all down to white people, and it's whites who magically need to arrange 'equality of income' and fix everyone up, according on people like Avery. LEGO is correct: this is a racist tract.

The real racists are the blackfellas and other non-whites who blame millions of other people for blackfella problems just because they are white. Its high time for we whites to start giving these non-white racists and renegade, virtue signalling and scared whites a taste of their own nastiness.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 12 June 2020 10:56:40 AM
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.. racisim is widespread today.

Are there any figures on which society has the most racists ? And, which ethnic group is gaining the most by callously exploiting victimhood ?
As there are many more Chinese & Arabs & Africans than there are Europeans, does that equate to the Europeans being down the ladder a few rungs by the number of racists ?
What is the percentage among non-Europeans who self-loathe as much as the Europeans ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 12 June 2020 11:04:21 AM
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Transprtees were virtual slaves. As were so-called indentured servants.

As were many Aborigines, paid only in tobacco, flour, sugar and tea?

As were many islanders, captured and or tricked by blackbirders to work in the cane fields!

Equality? Don't make me laugh, we've a way to go before any such claim can be made! Albeit, if you live in the Canberra bubble, everything might look, hunky-dory?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 12 June 2020 1:10:16 PM
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