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The Forum > Article Comments > Golden anniversaries for flawed treaties: the NPT turns fifty > Comments

Golden anniversaries for flawed treaties: the NPT turns fifty : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 12/3/2020

The NPT, after five decades, has certainly proved to be stubbornly durable ahead of the 2020 Review Conference.

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This is a Clayton's treaty. You know, the treaty you have, when you're not having a treaty! We for our part have a nuclear reactor, does this mean we've violated the non-proliferation treaty? I mean these things make plutonium and one can make nuclear bombs with plutonium,

And because this is so, we need to lift our own asinine, self-imposed prohibition on for peaceful purpose, nuclear energy.

And only retained on the most absurd asinine ideological imperatives ever invented! I mean we were going to sell uranium to India?

Maybe we already have and she is not and never will be a signatory! And equally applicable to several other nuclear-armed/nuclear-powered nations.

We gain nothing by remaining a signatory, allegedly protected under the US's nuclear umbrella. And now because they are no longer reliable? Horribly exposed to a nuclear-armed China and its IBMs

Remove our self imposed prohibition on nuclear power and make sure our next purchase of subs are nuclear-powered ones! Unless you want the old diesels to announce their presence with the rattle rattle of their diesel engines!

Where should we drop the depth charges? Right there and at this depth! They're still using those, knock, know here we are, diesel engines!

And then we wonder why we cannot find enough mugs to crew, already dangerous in peacetime, vessels!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 12 March 2020 1:05:59 PM
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Dearest Al.

I must talk with you on submarines.

Just as our diesel locomotives are NOT driven by diesel power to the wheels, neither are our diesel submarines diesel driven to the propeller.

So they actually have good stealth capabilities, over short periods.

Our much maligned current Collins class, actually sank a US war ship in joint exercises not so many years ago. It was capable of silently positioning itself totally underneath the enemy ship to prove a point.

It's all about the job they are designed to perform.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 12 March 2020 7:10:49 PM
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