The Forum > Article Comments > Muddling Democrats: chaos in the Iowa Caucus > Comments
Muddling Democrats: chaos in the Iowa Caucus : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 5/2/2020Whatever the claims by the Democratic pollsters on the ground, the party has all the work to do ahead of selecting a candidate to make a fist of it come November.
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Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:06:15 AM
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This author can bring out the best in any totally boring subject, of which this one scores top marks.
A good read. Dan Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 9:17:17 AM
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There seem t have been some surprises and a young, gay 37-year-old ex-soldier with charisma and eloquent oratory not too dissimilar to JFK. And with a vision for the next forty years.
Someone with electoral smarts and winning the popular vote would be wise to select the next most popular candidate as their running mate, and could see a winning combination between the oldest and youngest candidate? We've had a gay US diplomat, a black president And more than one female secretary of state. So what's the next glass ceiling to be broken, a gay President? A sort of halfway house to a female President perhaps? And what would happen in those states which bucked against legislated gay marriage and the deeply religious, reactionary deep south? And could those concerns have caused the alleged technical difficulty in the voting ap? As consternation reigned supreme in the electoral college? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 5 February 2020 10:28:27 AM
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Must have been Russian interference! Ha Ha
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 4:19:01 PM
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Oh dear!
The Democrats appear to be screwing the pooch already. Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 5 February 2020 6:55:02 PM
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I am hoping that Bolshevik Bernie is selected to run against Trump
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 22 February 2020 7:26:14 AM
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And what one might expect if Bernie Sanders got the popular majority young vote?
I wait with bated breath for the result of the highly scrutinised manual back count!
And the market reaction! And Mr Trump's next tweet.
Oh, the suspense/the intrigue! In the very best democracy, money can buy!
Alan B.