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The Forum > Article Comments > Greta Thunberg and Andrew Bolt: two sides of the same coin > Comments

Greta Thunberg and Andrew Bolt: two sides of the same coin : Comments

By Eric Claus, published 25/10/2019

The first technique is the complete rejection of the idea that their opponents might have anything meaningful to say.

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Well, that reduced important things to silliness.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 25 October 2019 8:02:54 AM
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No, they are not! Just poles apart!

We do face very real harm as a consequence of climate change, and people are dying! There are folk, farmers aand farmer's wives right here committing suicide as a consequence of the worst drought in living memory and entirely unprecedented! And this drought the hottest and driest we've had is the end result of climate change as were the unprecedented fish kills!

I do agree with you however that Andy tells porkies! Some of them totally outrageous! Moreover, I cannot agree that the employment interests of 12,000 CMFU member should be given higher priority than the 25 million Australians!

I get that a clearly disingenuous Eric doesn't believe climate change is real or that an additional average rise in ambient temperatures wouldn't do very much!

And I get therefore he is clueless/denier with an IQ roughly equal to the ambient temperature?

He critiques Greta for not knowing how to address man-made climate change! What? You believe a 16-year-old kid knows how we might mitigate, man-made climate change!?

Well, Eric, if you are able to take the wax out of your ears then engage brain before putting mouth into gear?

I will layout, chapter and verse how we might do that and with a combination of measure that will do just that as well as massively growing and turbocharging our economy! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 25 October 2019 8:25:36 AM
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The first cab off the rank in addressing climate change is our transition to carbon-free energy!

That energy should be reliable, dispatchable, affordable and safe!

Moreover, cheaper than coal i.e., MSR thorium!

Thorium is the most energy-dense material on the planet, less radioactive than a banana/four times more abundant than uranium!

As cheap as lead!


A 350 MW solid-fueled with enriched uranium, light water reactor, requires during a 30-year operational lifetime, some 2551 tons of fuel. And create from that 2550 tons of nuclear waste.

Whereas, a 350 MW thorium> U233 fueled reactor (MSR thorium) will during that same 30-year, operational lifetime, require a single ton of much cheaper fuel.

Why, the security guard out front would cost more than the total fuel bill!

Further, this reaction will produce as an almost free byproduct, many grams of, miracle cancer cure, Alpha particle, bismuth 213!

We have a cancer annual death toll rate more than double the annual road toll! much of which would be treatable with CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE, alpha particle bismuth 213!

I'm sure even Eric and his moribund mate Andy, would agree, saving all those annually wasted lives, would be a worthwhile objective even if that then takes billions of the profit curve of big pharma!

Now we do not need to spend decades researching MSR thorium when we have a successfully operating prototype to reference as a starting point, that being the unpressurised MSR thorium research reactor at Oak Ridge between the '50s and the '70s, moreover, we can adapt MSR MM, say the 350 MW FUJI?

Same principle, different fuel/heat transfer medium

Molten salt works well enough in tried and tested solar thermal!

So we need to crack on and replace aging coal-fired as they're decommissioned with MSR thorium!

As we do so, lower prices below 3 cents PKWH!

A worthy objective as is the fact our power supply would also be carbon-free, massively turbocharge an ailing, debt-laden economy! TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 25 October 2019 9:11:22 AM
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Now, this is all well and good but will cost billions and lost energy export dollars!?

Not so, if we but use the brains we were born will and sign up Australia as the world's nuclear waste repository and earn annual billions for providing said service!


Then use MSR thorium as waste burners that in effect just sees nuclear waste as unspent fuel with a further 98% of recoverable energy to be recovered in I assure you in perfect (walk away safe) safety with less rogue emissions than those now coming from gas or coal-fired plants!

And with that change, give ourselves centuries worth of virtually free, carbon-free energy. In reactors and distribution systems others will have effectively paid for!

Finally, our energy exports could be replaced in full and then some with undersea cables, transmitting electrical energy to all, our recipient energy customers, in metered supply we set the price of, via graphene cored cables! All the above paid for with the income earned as a repository and our own leverage super fund of 2.5 trillion! And the interest earned, TAX-FREE!

Given we do that? Quite massively reduce both transmission and distribution losses currently hovering around 75% as a combined total! And triple the available profit as the first consequence of this pragmatism!

Don't give up your day job Eric as your ability to spin is hopeless!
Can't died in a cornfield over a century ago!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 25 October 2019 9:35:19 AM
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Our political conversation must shift away from the
mass infantile finger-pointing that now pervades it.
It is not progressives or conservatives who are
ruining our world. It is the tendency on so many
people's parts to think that their way is the right
way and that people who disagree with them are bad.

It doesn't ultimately matter so much how we degenerated
into such mass disrespect for the rights of others to
hold opinions different from our own. What does matter is
that we commit immediately to individual healing.

We can disagree vehemently yet appropriately. Disagreement
must be respectful or the disrespect will poison us more
than either side's position in the argument ever could.

It is more important that we renew dignified and respectful
dialogue with those who do not agree with us than that we
keep slavishly congratulating those who have the wisdom
to see things our way. (smile).
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 25 October 2019 10:35:27 AM
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Foxy, we are faced with three choices;
1. Accept that the IPCC is correct and spend all available resources,
money and real, to reduce CO2 to zero levels. Pay the cost whatever it
is and accept the resulting living conditions.

2. Accept that the IPCC is correct but only act when we see an effect.
Disregard the Climate Emergency as a crowd Panic Effect.

3. Accept the alternative theory and continue on as we are now.
There will be a couple of hundred years to prepare for the cold times.

They survived OK in past cycles even if they did have to abandon
Greenland and stop growing wine grapes in the UK. Perhaps you might
be able to have Ice Festivals on the Yarra ? ah la the Thames !
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 25 October 2019 11:26:32 AM
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