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The Forum > Article Comments > Vulnerability in a greying Australia: the aged in a changing climate > Comments

Vulnerability in a greying Australia: the aged in a changing climate : Comments

By Peter Curson, published 10/10/2019

Australia’s geographical location and size add a further dimension ensuring that the country experiences a widely variable climate.

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Gawd. The things some people find to talk about.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 10 October 2019 9:04:50 AM
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Well thought through, cogent, credible and persuasively plausible.

It's is not that our country leaders can't see this predictable future!

It's just too far forward! And logically eliminates coal as a suitable/logical power source for the future! And this is not what they want to hear on either side of the aisle for reasons only known to them.

And speaks volumes about conflicted and even worse, possibly corrupt pollies putting personal considerations and or powerful vested interest ahead of the national interest!?

They will need to remain cognizant of the greying nature of the electorate and the price of energy, which for most older Australians is way too expensive! And as such, is a granny killing impost, when essential air conditioners remain turned off because the elder budget cannot afford them an the other essential staples of life!

And similarly when winter chill returns the hot water system has to be left off and winter heaters cannot be turned on and for the same reasons.

Water tanks don't have to be breeding grounds for mosquitoes, given the water flows through mosquito-proof mesh. And the gutters are similarly, gutter guard, fitted.

Unless certain asinine energy policies are amended and revised, we cannot avoid ever-increasing blackout and loss of supply, with massive food spoilage and food poisoning is the first predictable result, the second being constantly overwhelmed ER's

We do need a rational energy policy and probably the nationalisation of the energy sector, given how badly privatisation has served us and stuffed the economy and manufacturing sector in the process. TBC
Alan B,
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 10 October 2019 9:54:12 AM
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God we have to do something about the idiots employed in our universities when we pay for clowns like this one to lecture in them.

It is hard to know if he is a conman, misinterpreting the facts, or just a fool, but you don't have to go past this, "When projections of ageing are matched with social and epidemiological data about increasing chronic disease, disability, handicap, drug dependence and poverty it is clear that the vulnerability of Australia’s aged population to climate change will be a critical issue over the next 25-50 years" to know adding 2 plus 2 would give him a serious headache.

Why the hell does he think we have an aging problem if it weren't for the fact that our health, lifestyle & living conditions weren't so good that we are living much longer. If the fool looked at how much our life expectancy had grown in the last few decades he would know what a load of codswallop this bit of garbage really is.

Having told us he is a fool, he then pushes the idiocy that climate change is a major problem. Perhaps he's too stupid to do the research to realise the planet is already cooling, & is about to get considerably cooler. Even without that you only have to look at where people live today, the tropics, Adelaide & Broken Hill for example to realise we are adaptable to most extremes, & provided we have power, preferably cheap, so preferably fossil fueled, we can handle & enjoy anything logically predicted.

I guess the warmists are getting so worried about the coming sun minima that they are desperately trying to push their political changes before the planet shows them, as the fools & liars they are, pushing fools to write rubbish like this.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 10 October 2019 10:22:32 AM
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Alan B has positioned the gun boat for a broadside shot at the obvious missing imperatives neglected or mis-prioritised within this article.
What actually this article highlights is the lack of real connection between academia-think, and the real world suffering it here tries unsuccessfully to address, by its incompleteness.

The article totally fails to mention is the burden of high immigration on health infrastructure, and particularly the portion of it which supplies a steady stream of old and frail from third world countries, adding to the log-jamb at emergency treatment centres.
A burden which extends into the main stream health services, geared for profit, which factors out the elderly and their increasing reliance on a profit driven exclusive failure it is, towards the overall community it pretends to serve.

The author leaves the starting blocks at Macquarie University, with the ideological batten of climate change thrust forward, racing towards who?
The biggest threat to the aged is already upon us. He represents it!
God forbid the problems of the aging population are dealt with by the political and academic classes, clothed in their property portfolios and superannuation investments, and totally unmoved by the plight of the aged right now! Particularly the unprotected by wealth group, variously referred to by Hillary as the "basket of deplorables".

Housing of this group in its current state, is a certainty to decimate the aged by ripping out the majority of meager incomes, transferring it the the healthy property portfolios of the wealthy. There is no mercy here.

The author also neglected the subject of "hunger" bordering on starvation in this "wealthy" (sic) country. Primarily as a direct consequence of privatisation and its calamitous effect on the living conditions of the aged poor particularly.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 10 October 2019 11:31:24 AM
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I love how this idiot has been totally discredited in just a few posts. It is the cohort he belongs to who have got us into this mess. These over educated fools who keep changing things until they are at their worst and then walk away.
Alan B is correct, Commonwealth should step in and give us the cheapest power available. Make objectors start paying for any delay after a rational process of no more than six months. Demonstrators can also be billed but more creatively. Driving licence cancelled, unable to stand for any election and unable to sit on any board.
I demand we use our own resources and advantage the poorest in the community with the cheapest available rent, power and food!
Posted by JBowyer, Thursday, 10 October 2019 12:25:01 PM
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It is sad to see that even Macquarie University unquestionably believes in man-made global warming.

The author also fails to appreciate that the gullibility of our MPs has been exploited by influencing them to implement dysfunctional CO2 emission reduction policies that have no measurable effect on climate.

By installing unreliable renewables at the expense of low-cost coal-fired baseload power, our electricity prices have been forced up from the world’s cheapest to the world’s dearest. Consequently, the health of many of our residents (old and young) has been adversely affected, by their being no longer able to afford to use electricity for heating in winter and for airconditioning in summer.

And there’s more pain to come! Electricity prices will keep increasing as more coal-fired power generation is replaced by the unreliable renewables
Posted by Raycom, Thursday, 10 October 2019 12:31:52 PM
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