The Forum > Article Comments > Cheering a new arms race: the end of the INF > Comments
Cheering a new arms race: the end of the INF : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 7/8/2019The difference from what has come before is that Trump is not troubled by any sense of enduring history. There are no restraints, nor caveats. Pre-Trump history had to be bad, if not altogether rotten.
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Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 7 August 2019 8:16:28 AM
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If there is a new arms race it's all Putin's Russians doing!
As for so-called history, everybody and every nation has one! Some are worse than others but cannot be used by new generations to extract some kind of reparation! I mean Hiroshima, Nagasaki. The centuries-long bloodletting by the Ottoman empire, the pogrom by Dictator Stalin that took or disappeared more lives than those lost by Russia during WW11! And Stalin devotee, Press censoring, Vladamir Putin is tarred with the same brush and not be trusted!? By their fruits, ye shall know them! If we cannot save the world from extinction by CO2 caused climate change! Then why not an arms race and mutually guaranteed destruction? It comes down to the same thing ultimately! Doesn't it!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 7 August 2019 11:12:49 AM
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It is only the Mutually Assured Destruction of nuclear arms that has prevented another major war, since the 40s.
I can see by this bit of silliness that Binoy did not study his history diligently during his student days. He would obviously have been one cheering the loudest when Chamberlain produced his "Peace for our time" declaration in 1938. The only way to negotiate any peace treaty is from a position of extreme strength, & the ability to enforce the terms if required. there is nothing more stupid than to let your enforcing ability fall behind that of a potential enemy. Of course with the lefties rabid hatred of Trump Binoy could never see any good in anything he did. Trump is obviously concerned about China, wrongly I believe. Right now China appears to have more to gain by peace than any other nation, but perhaps internal pressures we peasants know nothing about could paint another story. Meanwhile nothing wrong with making sure you are ready to handle any problem. Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 7 August 2019 11:56:03 AM
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For once I wholeheartedly agree with Binoy's fine article (now that he has kicked his I Love Wikileaks and Assange habit (I hope!)).
After Binoy's fair assessment of Trump's stupidity the sentence most significant is "China, for instance, was not [an INF] member, leaving it to feed growing aspirations in deploying intermediate-range forces in East Asia." Defence analysts have long said China’s large arsenal of land-based intermediate-range missiles are aimed primarily at Taiwan, the US nuclear submarine and bomber at Guam and other US bases in the region. China’s land-based intermediate-range missiles could also impede the ability of US forces to defend AUSTRALIA. China's arsenal includes the: - advanced 5,500km range DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile, capable of firing conventional and nuclear warheads at Guam, and Singapore's oil refineries that supply AUSTRALIA, and - China's advanced 1,500km range DF-21D, which can home in on and sink moving US aircraft carriers and any AUSTRALIAN ship in range Whenever China criticises the US basing intermediate-range ballistic missiles in the Asia-Pacific Region China need only look in the mirror. China should look at all the Chinese intermediate-range ballistic missiles in our Region. Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 7 August 2019 4:43:19 PM
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This is another anti US hit piece by a person who immigrated in to Australia, then has the audacity to sneer at Australia's closest and most needed ally. It is people like Binoy who make Australians realise that there is something fundamentally wrong with out immigration policies. Why do we import people who despise us, our civilisation, and our allies?
Binoy starts off his hit piece darkly suggesting that something is intrinsically wrong with the USA. The USA is "fickle", which implies that China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran are not fickle. That won't fly. The USA is supposedly wrong because it will not agree to every wacky UN proposal that the leftist, Islamist,and totalitarian majority of wacko nations in the UN dream up. The US, Binoy claims, is not concerned about "history". Which implies that every totalitarian regime of every stripe apparently is concerned about "history." Actually, Binoy could be right there. Every totalitarian state that exists today and who goes too far knows that the USA will come down on them like a ton of bricks. That is what worries Binoy. Imagine having the world's pre eminent military power being a democratic country with a history of stopping dictators and tyrants? That's terrible. Binoy justifies his drivel with the example of the INF treaty, which he probably knows very few people know anything about. It is a bit like the "stolen generations" lie. Make up complete nonsense that denigrates white achievement in the certainty that most people don't know much about their own history, and they won't bother to check anyway. Why Binoy hates the USA is a mystery? Perhaps it is just a product of his university education, where hating white people, white western civilisation, and the USA in particular is apparently part of the curriculum? Or perhaps it is just that most people of colour are grievously embarrassed that white civilisation has invented nearly everything which makes their own civilisations look pretty pathetic? It is a resentment born of insecurity and a lingering sense of cultural inferiority Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 8 August 2019 3:58:34 AM
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Of the 3 major nuclear powers i.e. the USA, Russia and China, only the USA and Russia had signed the INF in the 80s and China not only refused to join, but build and deployed 1000s of them and recently Russia blatantly started designing and building them.
In short the only country applying the treaty was the USA. Note that if the USA builds and deploys its new hypersonic intermediate missiles in Guam or even on Okinawa, no where in China would be safe. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 8 August 2019 9:35:42 AM
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I wonder the numbers of Israelis with a " get out of Israel quick" card?
Human folly holds no bounds. It's natures way.
What a simple device to reduce the plague of humans on Gods earth.
And in keeping with true Capitalist ideology, keep the factory production lines greased, prouducing replacement nukes. Brilliant news for the arms industry.
Who needs God with a ready-made hell of our own making.
You get what you ask for in this life!