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The Forum > Article Comments > Democrats doomed in 2020 for not preventing illegal entry into USA > Comments

Democrats doomed in 2020 for not preventing illegal entry into USA : Comments

By David Singer, published 25/7/2019

Pelosi’s concern for prolonging the stay of illegal immigrants rather than showing compassion for grieving American citizens is puzzling.

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The Democrats are doomed because Trump’s greatest crime, and his greatest triumph, is to become a living example that you do not have to submit. You do not have to apologise. You do not have to back down, or grovel, or confess. You are free unless you accept your chains. What message is more hopeful or American than that?
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 July 2019 9:47:12 AM
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Donald Trump wants to fix the border; the Democrats want to destroy it.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 25 July 2019 12:22:56 PM
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IF the Democrats continue to espouse the view that the boarders ought not exist, then they will get massacred in 2020.

But remember that the election is 16 months away. Even now the Democrats are starting to shy away from that policy. That's why Trumps statements about the gang of 4 were so brilliant. He forced Pelosi et al to postpone the ditching of those unpopular policies.

And while the primaries continue, most candidates will support open boarders because those policies are popular with Democrat voters. Remember how all primary candidates showed support for giving free medicare to all illegal aliens.

But once the primaries are over, the successful candidate will immediately pivot to the centre. He/she will suddenly not be quite so pro-open boarders and the largely pro-Democrat MSM will assist them in forgetting that they were ever for open boarders.

It will be up to Trump to ensure that the electorate doesn't get hoodwinked again, and he's probably the only one that can
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 25 July 2019 1:22:23 PM
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Sorry, Mr Singer, Don't see it? But hey you could be right, And Donald is not the first ultra-right-wing nasty to Pick a fight with an ethnic minority in order to stay in power and or fool a nation of Fatuous fools, just to hold or reinforce power?

Perhaps a sign above a gate that translates, Work will set you free, might refresh an ethnic minority memory? And intended for a people many of who had lived in Germany for generations and defended her in previous wars!

Elections predicted by electoral prognosticators such as yourself can often spring a few surprises. Little doubt in my mind, you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. And should the house of cards that is the massive debt supported economic recovery, suddenly run out of fiscal liquidity?

Those who thought this financial genius was Managing the economy for the deplorables? May be in for a rude awakening, as they finally see, Donald is all about Donald and maybe Donald's family? And when the fecal matter hits the fan, Donald will push them under a (financial disaster) bus, To protect Donald financial empire first and foremost.

If anyone believes that Mr Putin's money didn't rescue Donald from financial ruin and he will call in his note, need to pull head from the sand.

Moreover, if any believe that Russia is not busy waging cyberwar in America and elsewhere, Also need to straighten up and look around. Fortunately, As China emerges as the most dominant economy and military power, Russia may suddenly see where their real threat/potential enemy lies?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 25 July 2019 4:37:44 PM
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National Socialism is fundamentally totalitarianism supported by the upper and middle classes. International Socialism (or Communism) is fundamentally totalitarianism supported by the graduate and artistic class, as well as the public service bureaucracy. Under feudalism, which could be classed as a form of national socialist totalitarianism, western democratic societies were pyramid shaped. There were few at the top and the bulk of the population was at the bottom. But western societies today are egg shaped. There are more people at the top and fewer at the bottom, with the bulk of the population inhabiting the bottom middle.

Both right wing and left wing totalitarians compete for the loyalties of the large working class and lower middle class demographic, as well as the smaller disadvantaged class demographic. In the west, the Left failed to obtain the loyalty of these classes and so they looked for another demographic to support them. This new demographic the Left hopes will be their new constituency, are imported immigrants. Especially those from notoriously dysfunctional ethnicities and cultures.

The race is now on between the white people who are increasingly concerned about their becoming a minority within their own countries, and the Left who see crime and welfare prone non white immigrants as their new constituency and the way to obtain total power.

This is why the Left no longer supporst freedom of speech. They do not want any valid criticism of their new supporters which may cause the majority of white electors to stop immigration. That is why they support open borders, and so called "refugees". That is why they even oppose the deportation of serious criminals from these dysfunctional minorities. That is why they oppose every single cultural value which supports pride in white European culture, while supporting every cause deemed to oppose it.

Trump is uniting the whites of America, as well as those minorities with members smart enough to like living in white countries with their white European values. While the Left is uniting the non whites, especially the trouble prone minorities who blame white society for their own lack of successes.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 25 July 2019 6:24:49 PM
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drivel....pure drivel
Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 26 July 2019 8:39:00 AM
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