The Forum > Article Comments > Angles of tolerance: Yusuf Islam in Christchurch > Comments
Angles of tolerance: Yusuf Islam in Christchurch : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 1/4/2019Did Rushdie deserve to die? 'Yes, yes,' came the unequivocal response from Yusuf. Would you be his executioner? 'Uh, no, not necessarily...'
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Cat Stevens is a poster child for why Islam is so dangerous and it is incompatible with the west. He once wrote songs full of peace, love and mung beans, but then committed treason against his own Greek heritage by converting to the religion of his people's historical oppressors.
From a pacifist to a person whom admits that he would murder Salmon Rushdie if he could get away with it. That is what Islam does. It is a religion of hate and oppression which instructs it's followers to murder anybody who criticises their evil and backward religion. And Foxy sees nothing wrong with Islam?
Naturally, lefty dahhhlling Jacinta Ahearn had to grandstand with this Muslim celebrity. Jacinta does not care if "Yusuf Islam's" own stated attitudes gives a hint as to why Bartlett went into that mosque to get some western payback for years of terrorism instigated by Muslims against westerners. The important thing for Jacinta is to pretend that Muslims are just like we are.
She knows that importing Muslims into western countries was a huge mistake. But she can never admit that mistake because she is from a young educated caste who think they are infallible. Admitting they were wrong is just too unpalatable a piece of crow to eat. Better to just keep up appearances and blame the growing and perfectly justifiable anti Muslim sentiments on your political enemies.