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Palestinian rights missing from UK antisemitism debate : Comments

By Jake Lynch, published 5/3/2019

In the background are internationally coordinated attempts at 'definition creep', which risk ruling out essential arguments in favour of Palestinian rights as 'anti-Semitic'.

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I would have thought that a debate on anti-Semitism would not need to take in Palestinians. A debate on Palestinians would be the best place to talk about Palestinians.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 5 March 2019 9:04:45 AM
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Could any more proof that our university budget needs to be halved be required, when people like this are on our payroll?
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 5 March 2019 11:34:14 AM
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The underlying lesson in the article seems to be that racism is thrown around as a liable to silence both groups of pro Israel and pro Palistian positions, by those who oppose such.

All this means to me is that calling out racism is turning into a boy cried wolf situation. (Maybe it always was). The issue of Palistianian rights could be as much an issue against the Palistian governments refusal to care for their own people, as much if not more then the rights could be an issue against Israel settlement and military.

Regardless of rights or no rights one thing that needs to be recognized is that Palistine and Israel are at war with eachother. There is not going to be a "play nice" rhetoric by international politicians that is going to work. They have been at war for 70 years. Abuses on Israel can be the banner that Israel holds for support when it acts against Palistine. Abuses against Palistine do the same and act as a means to support the terrorist and criminal orginizations that rule Palistine.

If you really want to talk about Palistinian rights then first things first, talk about the government that is suppose to look after them, and say whether they are making any movements to care for their people. I don't see any movement to help Palistians out of inpoveshed conditions from Hamas or PLO. Only movements to fight Israel and show that a two state solution will never work. Want that to change? Then stop supporting both Hamas and PLO all together. The Palistians deserve better to look after them then those crooks. As for Israel, regardless of abuses or not, they are at least looking out for their citizens. Palistine governments missing the mark like they didn't even know it was there.

(Or is all of this just racist too?). O_o. The racist card is used as a means to silence all of it, instead actually looking at the sitution honestly and calling out the issues as they are.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 6 March 2019 3:14:55 AM
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Fifty years ago, western lefties were Israel's greatest supporters. With it's socialist looking, kibbutz's (communes) apparently a success, Israel appeared to be a modern socialist success story. No lefty could call themselves a lefty without bragging about how they spent a time working on a kibbutz. Add to that, the Jews had unimpeachable status as victims. As well as the fact that 200 million Arabs had sworn to wipe 2 million Jews of the face of the earth. Support the Israel fom a lefty, was a no brainer.

But something happened to change that. Orders from Moscow was one thing. But the real reason as that Israel kept winning it's wars against Arab Islam. If there is one thing that lefties hate, it is a winner. Their default position, has always been to appeal to losers and pretend that they are their natural champions. What made it worse, was that Israel and the Great Satan, (USA) were allies. That put tiny, democratic Israel as the enemy of giant totalitarian Muslim regimes, who were reclassified as the "oppressed."

So, we end up getting bizarre articles from people like Jake Lynch, who lives in a parallel universe from the rest of us. He blathers on about Palestinian rights without bothering to look at this question from any other perspective, which are.

1. Since when did any Islamic regime care about anybody's rights, even their own citizens?

2. Exactly what "Palestinians" even want is not known because their governments are dictatorships who kill anybody who opposes them. Some "rights."

3. The successive Palestine regimes who have constantly repeated that they are not in the least concernd about peace with Israel, only Israel's ccomplete destruction.

4. It would be insane for Israel to worry about the "rights" of an enemy who's self declared aim, is Israel's extermination.

5. Sane western people support Israel for the very good reason that the recognise Islam as the west's enemy, and they support Israel for effectively fighting their self declared enemies for them.

Western academics supporting totalitarian Muslim regimes, is as idiotic as feminists or homosexuals supporting Islam.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 6 March 2019 4:50:38 AM
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