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Is Western Civilisation better? : Comments
By Allen Greer, published 30/1/2019Those who profess to believe there is no objective difference in effect debase the good and nourish the bad.
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Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 30 January 2019 10:01:59 AM
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That there is a controversy about teaching our own culture indicates just how sick people in the West have become. To suggest that the West is “enriching itself by assimilating people and ideas from other cultures” is absurd. And “competing civilisations”. There is no contest. People are flooding to the West from the others; in many cases bringing the the horrors of their own 'civilisations’ with them.
The study of Western civilisation should be mandatory for all people, starting with 'early learning’ centres, which used to be play schools, but are now political re-education camps run by Marxist, anti-West zealots. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 30 January 2019 10:46:54 AM
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University courses in Law, Philosophy, Diplomacy, Ancient and Modern History just happen to be courses in Theoretical and Applied Western Civilisation.
So Planta wish those who score Ramsay Undergraduate Scholarships in Western Civilisation well. Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 30 January 2019 12:27:35 PM
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Is Western Civilisation better?
I'm increasingly uncomfortable with it but at this stage there are no better alternatives. Western education seems to have been severely undermined by anti western megalomaniacs posing as "nondiscryminary". They're mainly in the music industry & some in the movie industry. Universities have been sucked in decades ago. The success of Western Civilisation is due to its conservative component, not the ruinous progressive regressors. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 30 January 2019 1:14:38 PM
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These three references from the same book provide a very sobering assessment of the brave-new-world human situation as created by Western civilization in the 21st century. 100 or so summary points Studying the "great books" of the West will not make one iota of a positive difference to what is described in the above references. Indeed what is described therein is the INEVITABLE outcome of the world-view which in one way or another is promoted in ALL of the "great books". Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 30 January 2019 1:26:09 PM
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Instead of Australia's Western Civilisation would you WC Deniers (WCDs) prefer:
- Communism? - Dictatorship? (eg. North Korea?) - Absolute Monarchy by Philosopher Kings? - Homesteader Anarchy? or - Tribal Rule? Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 30 January 2019 1:36:37 PM
And manifestly ignored to start earlier and earlier to effectively discriminate between the haves and the have nots! Starting in the education sector!
The proud boast of western civilisation is the universal egalitarian objectivity of its application along with the birthplace of democracy and the rule of impartial law!
And as it now applies in both those worthy goals? Almost as credible in the real world as the fantasy of King Arthur and the Knights of the round table along with their ancient code of protecting and defending the weak against the excesses of the wicked.
Today's examples seem to be in reverse of those worthy goals and anything vaguely resembling democracy. The very foundation stone of WC, which to put it mildly, seems to have been flushed down the other WC (usurped) along with our rights and freedoms.
With a hugely manipulated (dirty deals done in the dead of night) political system that would seem to give us the finest democracy money can buy and justice reserved for the wealthy and privileged. Regardless of how intellectually able those left behind are! And our very future squandered by trogladites seeking to preserve and expand unearned privilege!
Little wonder WC is going backwards at a rate of knots and just about to be replaced by cruel tyrannical systems and rat eat rat commercialism that just serves the already privileged. You know, those self-made men born in the log cabins, hewn from the wilderness with their own bare hands.
Like D.T., a portly C. P. and an equally rotund G.R.?
Alan B.