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Academic program on Western Civilisation : Comments

By Peter Bowden, published 18/1/2019

University staff are openly liberal, and are likely to reject proposals that have such a conservative background.

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What a load of seditious codswallop. Withdraw all public funding from universities. Universities used to be about education and learning to think; now they are just places for the creation of like-minded tribes. T
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 18 January 2019 9:58:11 AM
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Christophobes hijacked uni's a long time ago. That is why perversion, sexual immorality and the evolution fantasy became dogmas. Feminist/Marxist dominate and turn out journalist with little to no credibility. To progress in careers one must deny truth, nod your head to the gw fantasy, criticise white males and be apologetic about Islam. Sad state of affairs!
Posted by runner, Friday, 18 January 2019 11:32:21 AM
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What is it with people who constantly throw that spanner that is religion into the works ?
How many more centuries will go by before these idiots concede that religion has no place in public life.
Abbott of all people has been the biggest & most disappointing let-down in Australia's political history. He should just fade from view & keep quiet. i have never felt so cheated by anyone before or since. Academia has had a profound impact on civilisation, both positive & lately extremely negative. Academia has become like religion. A self-serving disruptive force !
Posted by individual, Friday, 18 January 2019 11:55:38 AM
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The article is indeed a steaming pile of bollocks.

The main focus of Peter's attack on the Western Civilisation course is that it is insufficiently "inclusive", and that other civilizations should be included. The premise that courses without diversity are invalid is monumentally inconsistent.

Should Maths courses be forced to include arts? Should women's studies be forced to include men's studies, Philosophy courses include Physics?

I rest my case.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 18 January 2019 12:11:32 PM
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Until recently the, at least do no harm, guided Christian belief, as did the golden rule and the good Samaritan parable. Traditional Christian ethos and conservative values, replete with greed is good individualism, are mutually exclusive philosophies.

And underlined by the story of an outraged Jesus whipping the money changers from his Father's house. Along with myriad examples, where by deed and action, he set his face against all things conservative?

It is not for nothing that co-ops were the only private enterprise, free-market business model survived the Great Depression largely intact.

Or conversely, why D Trump went through 6 bankruptcies, left a trail of broken dreams and economic carnage in his wake as literally hundreds of family firms were driven to the wall and lost their life savings, homes and reputations.

All while an allegedly Christian D Trump amassed of fortune, by reportedly ripping off his contractors, employees and the tax office?

It was no accident that we became the third wealthiest nation on the planet as part of post-war phenomena, and a creditor one at that!

Moreover, most country towns did quite well! With several co-ops at their heart? Butter, Sugar, Cheese, cotton gins and woollen mills etc.

And in a deliberate diabolical reversal by conservatives, given power, which they as is their want, abused to led us again as a debt-laden Nation with massive and growing, record domestic and foreign debt. And now somewhere below no. 30, as a nation with national wealth.

We've come a long way with conservatives given their head and power, And it has, by and large, been all downhill? Away from the light on the hill and the very essence of genuine caring and sharing Christian values!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 18 January 2019 1:13:52 PM
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All of the texts and "great books" of the Western canon as proposed by the Ramsey project are based upon and reinforce the separative disposition.
They are neurotic psychologies based on the separative principle, or the failure to understand and transcend the presumed separate self, to recognize the World-Process, and the inherent limitations of conventional experience and knowledge - especially the Western forms of presumed knowledge.
Such psychologies are grounded in fear, misunderstanding, recoil from the moral demand for conscious life-positive relationship, alienation, horror and death.

Humankind is now dwelling entirely in this independent, separative, and self-destructive mode.
This is why human life on Earth suffers its present dark and darkening complexion.

Tragically, those on the right-side of the culture wars divide promote this situation as a "there is no other way" cultural, and even "religious" imperative.

Following on from Alan.
Ironically and tragically these same right-wing culture war warriors pretend that the Golden Golem of Greatness is going to make a positive difference to the cultural situation both in the USA and even the entire world.
Never mind that everything that the Golem has ever done, and now does every day, and everything that he says via whatever forum or medium is an in-your-face trashing of whatever limited wisdom can be found in studying the "great books". He also makes an in-your-face mockery of Jordan Peterson's Twelve Rules For Life which are enthusiastically promoted by the same right-wing warriors.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 18 January 2019 4:58:53 PM
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