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Choice : Comments

By Glen Davis, published 27/11/2018

With the corporatisation, privatisation of so many services previously the domain of the state a substantial change has taken place.

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Work that lot out.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 27 November 2018 8:46:11 AM
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The biggest anxiety I have, is trying to identify poisonous re-branded Chinese food on supermarket shelves.

It would be nice if we "customers" actually had a choice, and could identify the products we DON'T want to be part of.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 November 2018 11:06:16 AM
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Yes mate, there was a time when "Liberals" were men and women of conscience, fiscal conservatives and socially progressive pragmatists. As were Hawke and Keating? Defined by the Founder Sir Robert Menzies as a broad church.

Nowhere in their wildest idealogical fantasies would these folk have sold us and our assets to foreign entities for a virtual song or at bargain basement fire sales. Menzies had the right idea by allowing competing duopolies, thus we had TAA and Ansett sharing the domestic sky, and all power generation remained locked away in public ownership earning annual billions for the nation-state.

As was our telecom CBA and several others that added an annual dividend to the bottom line that all but paid the old age pension that was as it should have been given it was the thrift and sacrifice of these folk as taxpayers, who made all of what was once ours, ours!

And sold down the river by idealogues, moving ever further to the right. And believe in their tiny minds all they need is to have the electorate listen to them and their messages of division and hate to win the prize of the treasury benches.

Privatisation has been a completely abysmal failure and should be repealed rescinded or as resumed purloined property. Even if it means he Sovietization of what was essentially stolen by power junkies acting on the insanity of this or that highly flawed ideology.

Before them and their Machiavellian mechanizations, this nation was the third wealthiest nation on earth and a creditor one at that.

Today and thanks to the aforementioned idealogues we own SFA and are all but drowning in debt. Domestic and foreign, and face the very real prospect for the first time in our history that the next generation will be the first, not to be better off than their parents, courtesy of greed is good individualism.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 November 2018 12:11:28 PM
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When choice is a problem, there's a solution: marry, then let your spouse make the choices.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 27 November 2018 2:29:46 PM
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Ah Yuustu, one can see who wears the trousers in your relationship? And far as it goes, sage adise. Other choices include what to buy the kids and me for chrismas and where?

Found an online retailer through these very pages and ordered an air conditioner from them on the thithtenth, with exxpecte delivery, for five business day later. Won't mention them by name save it starts with K and ends with n.

Moreoveer, they remain nortouriouly difficult to contact with a complaint! And what you do get when you finally chase down their alleged complaint dept, is a box with a tiny range of allowed compliants choies.

It seems with K---n you've got two choices when they FIU, buckly's and none. It's not an inexpesive FU, given the goods with a delivery fee attached cost over $500 second hand refurbishe.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 November 2018 4:19:38 PM
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A question I have put out there before, but it's a little too involved to carry a simple answer, and that is;
Why is it that all our state utilities and services have been sold off, to save the govt's bottom line and therefore end up with a budget in excess, when we have the opposite occurring.
By selling off our assets the govt has reduced it's expenses by the majority of the budgets demands.
Then why is it that we have been paying more taxes and getting less services.
If the cost of services is no longer there, then where is the billions in revenue going?
And don't say 'into the economy', because it's not.
I say the scum-bags are ferreting it out into their own pockets in ways that look legitimate but upon rigorous scrutiny will reveal the true picture.
The true destination of the billions is of a higher source, and it has been holding countries to ransom for centuries.
In the meantime our pollies are complicit in this major fraud/theft, but as they are skimming off the booty, they are not going to say or do anything.
I believe that like the US, we need to vote in the independents, and I mean, 'true' independents, not the scum that does preference deals with the majors.
In other words, we need the majors to lose control of parliament so we can see the pollies actually discussing issues based on the wishes of their constituents and not some scheming lying party lines.
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 28 November 2018 11:59:15 PM
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