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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia's climate policy paralysis is becoming electoral poison > Comments

Australia's climate policy paralysis is becoming electoral poison : Comments

By Neneh Darwin, published 16/10/2018

Current polling indicates the Liberal Party could be facing it's first electoral loss in the the seat in 60 years – and climate change inaction is the number one issue in the minds of voters.

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This shows that our electoral system is stuffed. Our economy, environment and society are disintegrating because we are run by inner-city greens of all political persuasions. Bring back the 'gerrymander' so that doers have a say instead of whingeing climate crazies!
Posted by Little, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 9:41:18 AM
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What a load of rubbish.

Nothing Australia's 25 million people do to use renewable energy will have any significant effect on warming while, in Asia alone, there are 470 new coal burning generators being built right now.

If coal is the real cause of global warming ( and the real science is not settled for anyone who is not a follower of the new green religion),
then we have to stop mining and exporting our coal.

Anything else is pure hypocrisy.
Posted by Old Man, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 10:30:43 AM
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The article is nothing but propaganda. As Goebbels said, the bigger the lie, the easier it is to sell it to people. There's nothing in this article that deserves a detailed response but, if the voters in Wentworth really do believe that climate change is their most important issue and they vote the independent in, it'll be a case of people getting the government (or in this case the MP) they deserve. If the Libs lose the seat, it'll be a pretty good indication that Shorten will be our next PM and you can expect to see higher energy prices, stronger unions and more union militancy, hugely increased jobs for the (union) boys and weaker borders. Maybe we need 3 years of this type of emotional, opinion-based policy implementation to force the electorate to understand just how badly off we are in Australia with both major political parties.
Posted by Bernie Masters, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 10:51:03 AM
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From the article, "In fact, according to ReachTEL polling commissioned by GetUp, 87.4% of Liberal voters in Wentworth voters would be more likely to vote for a candidate with a credible plan to tackle climate change."

Therein lies the rub. Nobody in Australia has such a plan that is legal and doesn't cost an absolute monza with technology at hand.

Legalize nuclear electricity generation. Get South Koreans to build us plants using their consistent unitary design approach, and/or, buy SMR's soon coming to a store near you.
Posted by Luciferase, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 11:01:41 AM
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News Flash: The LNP mass suicide.

*…Former Liberal leader John Hewson has called on voters in his former electorate to use the election as a referendum on climate change and to vote against the Liberals…*

With friends like these, who needs enemies. Every day, a new traitor emerges attacking their old cash cow friend, the liberal party. They soon forget! Disgraceful behaviour.

And if a voice can be given to the losers “proper”, in this war between the ideologues, I'll restate the problem again;

Half the community pay ridiculously small power bills, compliments of the tax payer subsidised loans for home based power generation, while the unwashed other, go on to pay ridiculously high power bills, based on their inability to benefit from such schemes.

Wentworth by-election, is a ripe opportunity to observe the great divide between the haves and have nots; them, handed a golden opportunity to widen the gap more by forcing the ideology of nonsense like climate change,(which will cost them SFA personally), and other ideological absurdity and pride of place, gay rights, the consequences to education alone, through safe schools brainwashing of the unwashed children, pushed onto public schools.

The LNP is failing abysmally, as they walk blindfolded through their unintelligible world. It lacks real people to educate it to the plight of Mr and Mrs Everyman.
Jumping obediently to every tune of the gay rights radicals at the ABC, Morrison couldn't bend over far enough to satisfy them, swinging the bat hard for the Labor Party, and saving mythical gay kids from school expulsion.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 11:10:44 AM
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Meanwhile, over in the Nationals camp, the thought police dressed up in riot gear, and went in swinging to identify another ABC mock-up mythical non event, and expelled any rising right wing stars from the ranks of youth. Mysteriously though, leaving the gay rights campaigners untouched.

Hewson may be right and he may be wrong, but if he thinks he has a God-given right to rat on the Liberal Party that actually served him so well in the past, he is deluded. Obviously what his actions demonstrate to us out here, is the criteria required for political leadership: Total distrust and disloyalty. Yep, we get it!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 16 October 2018 11:10:52 AM
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