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The Forum > Article Comments > Deplatforming Germaine Greer > Comments

Deplatforming Germaine Greer : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 20/9/2018

'The Brisbane writers' festival is very hard work. So, to be uninvited to what is possibly the dreariest literary festival in the world, with zero hospitality and no fun at all, is a great relief.'

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I watched QANDA the other night. Germaine has never lost her sense of humour and her approach to the subject of rape while being somewhat flippant, really deserves some serious attention, particularly by those who would censor her. For too long, this aspect of domestic violence has been denied, not something to be discussed in the best of circles, and she should be commended for her part in bring it to the attention of the unwashed multitude.

Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 20 September 2018 10:01:58 AM
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I thought the skinny, lilly-white girl was off with the fairies throughout the show.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 20 September 2018 10:09:45 AM
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All human progress has been achieved via the contest of ideas.

To ban someone as influential educated and erudite as Greer is tantamount to Idealogically applied censorship.

We don't need to agree with folk to hear them out!

We need to hear what other folks think and believe if only to refute them if they offend logic's rationale, or known irrefutable facts!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 20 September 2018 11:14:33 AM
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Tampering with , misusing and changing language, is a tactic used my social engineers to control us. We 'powerless' individuals can protect ourselves by ignoring and not using the bastardised lingo. Unfortunately, there are many people, not brilliant thinkers, who jump on the bandwagon because they think it makes them wise and 'educated' because their favourite wacko made it up. These 'carriers of the disease' are the real problem. They spread nonsense like the great plague was spread. Anyway, I don't think Greer would care too much about being banned by a bunch of third rate scribblers most of us have never heard of. She probably hasn't heard of them either, whereas there are not too many civilised people who have not heard of Germaine Greer.

Liz Duck-Chong? Gawd help us!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 20 September 2018 11:53:33 AM
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In a democracy, everyone is entitled to express their opinions on everything, provided they can cop counter-opinion.

Probably no two people in the world really have identical views on everything. So disagreement is inevitable, and most of us have the good sense to go easy when we 'discuss' issues with close friends and relatives and employers.

But there are bound to be people A offended by a free and frank airing of opinion by person B. As a corollary, of course, their opinions may be offensive to person B. Grown-ups usually take all that on-board.

But there some intolerant people who can't bear any difference of opinion, and who will take offence: perhaps we can call these people 'snowflake fascists', the sorts who will use a megaphone a few inches from someone body's face to drown them out (wow, is that offensive or what ?) or shout them down, or use threats and/or violence to silence or intimidate somebody whose opinion they disagree with.

After all, throughout history, fascism typically has tried to silence alternative opinion. In a democracy, it flowers, or at least it should. As it happens, I don't think much of Germaine Greer's rather shallow opinions, but I'd support her right to express them any time.

Discuss :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 20 September 2018 12:01:25 PM
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Joe in the dark tunnel of denial again. Reverse it all Joe and you'll come closer the truth!

It's actually left wing hooligans and a freed up assortment of fags, which Trump is doing well at silencing. And more!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 20 September 2018 4:39:03 PM
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