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The Forum > Article Comments > 'The right of return' to where? > Comments

'The right of return' to where? : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 13/8/2018

The Palestinians have been led astray, believing that there is still a prospect for the Palestinian refugees to return to their original homes in today's Israel.

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Fake news bs...
Stop lying to people and attempting to manipulate public opinion and start telling the bloody truth.

If I can find the truth in less than a minute on Google then who the hell are you kidding?

"Israel was accepted into the United Nations on condition that it accept the Right of Return of the Palestinian refugees. Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations (General Assembly Resolution 273 of May 11, 1949 ) requires Israel to comply with General Assembly Resolution 194 of December 11, 1948 and Israel stated it agreed to comply with this resolution."
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 13 August 2018 9:45:55 AM
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Ah, to be sure. And will happen as surely as all those with some ancestrial claim to Irish soil, have those claims validated in law and annexed land or property returned with full title!?

Or when all the Celts herded in their hundreds of thousands, removed in the highland clearances are returned to the land and crofts of their forebears, or when Australia is handed back to the very first Australians and all those who've since migrated here, return to their ancestrial homelands!

In the entire universe, there is only one constant and that is constant change. Only those who can adapt and accept personal change will survive.

Suggest the only solution lies in adaptation and acceptance of new realities. And that single, one and only available solution is,
MSR thorium energy and through it deionisation dialysis desalination!

And with the latter, reclaiming vast tracts of desert wasteland as new gardens of Eden where all the currently homeless or displaced will find or create a far better more fruitful life than they had previously. And one of those reclaimed paradises could easily be called, new Palestine? And very doable!

All that is missing is the political will, the testicular fortitude and future vision to, if not see it through, initiate it and the peace prosperity it will bring to a currently self-harming and divided world. No winners in current unresolved land rights situations! And little prospect of any change of current direction or illegally annexed land returned!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 13 August 2018 12:07:09 PM
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General Assembly resolutions are generally not worth the paper they are printed on as they are not enforceable. The fact that it does not apply to the descendants of the "refugees" means that Israel could repatriate the tiny handful of survivors from 1949 and completely comply.

That the surrounding Arab countries refused to recognise Israel and remained in a state of war with Israel for a further 30 yrs, and expelled all the Jews from their countries undercuts any moral justification for enforcing this ancient document.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 13 August 2018 3:08:01 PM
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The English have quite a history of not only annexing other nation's sovereign soil but writing legislation to allegedly legalise it? So a Belfour annunciation has the force of disreputable English house of parliament backing it and other colonising (annexed sovereign territory) adventures?

That said, realists will acknowledge some changes need to happen if we're ever to have peace in the middle east! Given every Tinpot tyrant over there is able to use the creation of Isreal out of former Palestine, as a catalyst to drive this or that wedge politics.

And ably assisted by Isreal's current if seemingly corrupt PM?

I fear the illegal settlement and slaughter of innocent bystanders, Jews and Arabs alike, can only continue as long as this man and his Gerrymander by migration/illegal settlements, does?

And all that permits this man and his like-minded coalition to stay in power and worsen an already extremely bad situation? If you want change then he and his ilk have to go? As first cab off the rank?

Second being all affected parties getting together and staying the course or in the same room, until a workable two-state solution both sides can live with is signed sealed and ratified!

Then breaches by any disaffected must be disciplined by a joint law enforcement body with UN blue helmet oversight! Can't see anything else with a snowflake's chance in hell, succeeding.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 13 August 2018 5:02:31 PM
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Looks to me that the Palestinians need to keep up pressure on Israeli government, which with the present politicians in power is effectively that of a Criminal Apartheid Zionist Settler State in Occupied Palestine. If only to hinder Zionists from continually trying to steal more land and resources from Palestinians. Helpful to have it widely recognised that the State of Israel is only sustainable with substantial military resources protect it. Something to discourage continued Jewish immigration from elsewhere. The government encourages this immigration, because without it, the population of Palestinians increases faster than that of Jews. Will be interesting to see what happens re the Israeli occupied Golan Heights when the Syrian Arab Army has finished removing all the foreign sponsored terrorists from their country. The large battle hardened Syrian military could then move to take back this territory, where it seems no other country recognises Israeli occupation as legitimate. Undoubtedly many Palestinians will do all they can to hinder the Israeli defence effort.
Posted by mox, Monday, 13 August 2018 7:59:56 PM
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Armchair Critic _ There is a big difference between agreeing to do something and actually doing it.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 13 August 2018 8:18:11 PM
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