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The common good : Comments

By Everald Compton, published 27/3/2018

What we need is a new corporate world in which those who chair companies are independent leaders of social respect and honour.

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The common good! As an ambition for your fellow Australians Everald, Hard to disagree with!

But sadly a bare bones, new idea free, argument that identifies the problems but few if any of the genuine practical solutions, other than rather naively expecting Leopards to change their spots.

Or that the conservatives will once again become the genuine Christian conservative progressives that e.g., abolished child labour and slavery and then wrote and implemented the emancipation act. And the very antithesis of today's breed of greed is good individualistic, divide and rule conservatism.

Which to date has been so spectacularly successful, few countries except former soviet countries and their Asian counterpart remain undivided and nationalistic, if for all the wrong and mislead reasons?

No corporate chair is listening to your evocation Everald, but lies awake at night scheming how to get a larger share of the available profit, some of which includes creating the world's or the countries largest private enterprise monopolies and, I believe, ably assisted and abetted by the current administration, it's rules and regulations? TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 March 2018 8:54:22 AM
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Right down there with Compton's usual dross. In Compton's world, we'll all work for "non profit corporations" whose "profits" will be "ploughed back into the growth of the business or given as grants to community institutions." And, according to Compton, more and more of us would work for such non-profit organisations. A genuine non-profit organisation, of course, would pay no taxes. Wonder how that would work out for governments which are expected to deliver services such as defence, health, education and social welfare. And if Compton's magical unelected non-profit organisations don't perform as his fantasy dictates, how do we get rid of them?
Posted by calwest, Tuesday, 27 March 2018 9:01:52 AM
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I take it to mean, EC would like a world of inclusiveness, not one of social exclusion.

Such a world requires the input of the hormone “oxytocin”; the body's own empathy drug.

But EC has identified the many ways it can be resisted!
In a nutshell, greed and corruption lead the charge.

But instead of giving up on Democracy, what if we all had a real go at making it work?
After all, Democracy has a very successful track record, in the field of inclusiveness!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 March 2018 9:32:26 AM
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The common good? And how best to achieve it?

Well not through disgraced communism, which needs slavey to survive as the lowest common denominator, incentive free economic model; nor extreme capitalism at the other end of the political/social spectrum, which mercilessly exploits people and their often miserable meagre resources as they are ground into a premature retirement/end!

One notes the Donald Trump's economic, low tax model, when trialled in Kansas several years ago, over just three short years, all but bankrupted that state's economy. And was consequently abandoned.

Simply put, one cannot fund prosperity with ever increasing unrepayable debt, unless you have an escape clause like chapter 11! Which only ever applies to the individual, e.g., Six times bankrupt and serial tax avoider, Donald Trump?

No, I not only have no time for this pretender/con artist? But absolutely no respect either!

So, insteqd of following his insane example, I propose the following.

The world's cheapest electicity coupled to COOPERATIVE CAPITALISM! Coupled to genuine, root and branch genuine tax reform1 Which would impose a low if unavoidable tax on all earnings and profit as a PAYG scheme! No ifs, buts or maybes!

Why cooperative capitalism?

Because Co-ops proved too be the most efficient PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, FREE MARKET, BUSINESS MODEL, we have/had in the economic locker and as such, did and absolutely serves the common good and shares snowballing universial prosperity that leaves none behind!

Moreover, engages the usual economic flow on factors that enables one dollar to do the work of seven inside our own economy, as opposed currently, everybody else's!

I written on this topic before and anybody is free to see what I've written by consulting the archives!

However, it'll take a brand new, common good mindset, to see any of my progressive ideas implemented, given the usual, self serving, ratbag element's, opposition and obfuscation!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 March 2018 9:35:03 AM
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calwest: One can see Everald's heart and evocation are in the right place. But imagine if we all of us did as he asks and all worked for non profit organisations, who would pay all our growing tax burden?

Not the not for profit corporate model but, a shrinking cadre of wage and salary earners, who as per usual, would be expected to do all the heavy lifting! And as we automate to keep up, with fewer and fewer employed taxpayers!

Everald can be forgiven, given his advancing years and consequently atrophied little grey cells? He's on the right track however, given cooperative capitalism does all he asks for the common good and then some, all while paying a fair share of our common burden tax, from its profit base.

Even as automation kicks in and reduces the required workforce! Unless expansion/export production, offsets eventual employee reduction/early retirement targets?

Moreover, given free and fair competition for market share. Where genuine, fair if fierce competition, will ensure the best, most efficiently managed entities survive. As will those who look, listen, learn and follow, the best bench marked examples!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 March 2018 10:10:26 AM
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Everald -

"It is time for a new world order called THE COMMON GOOD to take over."
By calling it a new world order, you've doomed it from the start! People like runner will automatically assume it's evil, and nothing you can say will change their minds on that.

"Socialism dwarfed initiative and fostered a culture in which too many felt they could get by without working too hard."
When exactly did it do that?


Though I don't agree with Everald's solution, I do find the answers to some of your questions obvious:

" A genuine non-profit organisation, of course, would pay no taxes. Wonder how that would work out for governments which are expected to deliver services such as defence, health, education and social welfare."
Although the organization would not itself pay taxes, its workers would pay more income tax because they'd get paid more, and there'd be less need for social welfare.

"And if Compton's magical unelected non-profit organisations don't perform as his fantasy dictates, how do we get rid of them?"
They'd still have conventional competitors.
Posted by Aidan, Tuesday, 27 March 2018 10:40:50 AM
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