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Free trade in labour : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 19/3/2018

Bilateral free-migration agreements would also have no electoral impact because the people from these countries could not vote in our election.

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Gee, this bloke is naïve! “a bilateral free-migration agreement need not provide a shortcut to citizenship.” Once people get into Australia, it's almost impossible to get rid of them since our politicians handed over immigration policy to the appeals tribunal. A current example of this is a convicted felon whose visa had been cancelled by the Immigration Minister then overturned by a Lefty quango. He is still here, and looks like staying. Two Tamil illegals who arrived by boat 6 years ago, were to be deported until stupid Australians signed a petition to keep them here because they had Australian-born children. Of course they did! It's the oldest trick in the migration scam: have kids and they won't kick you out.

It's hard to work out who is the most stupid – politicians or the Australian public. Germany thought all the Turkish guest workers they imported would all go home; they never did, and look at the mess Germany is in now because their politicians have forgotten how to govern and serve their country.

Australia does not need foreign workers. It needs to get the Australian bludgers on the dole trained and working.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 19 March 2018 9:16:54 AM
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All these clowns are far too close to the lobbyists, who's employers see migration as their industries pay packet.

They obviously have no contact or understanding of the Australian citizen, their needs or wants, or if they do, they have no interest in doing anything to help them.

How can any one believe that bringing in thousands of cheap labour units can help us get jobs, or that paying to house, cloth, medicate & feed thousands of so called refugees can make anyone but the elites richer?

Do these clowns actually believe any of this garbage they sprout, or are they just promoting the wishes of those who fund their election campaigns?
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 19 March 2018 11:23:39 AM
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Entry of middle-class South Africans to Oz should be strongly encouraged given their expertise in mining and rural industries.

And Kiwis are almost human, aren't they?
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 19 March 2018 3:01:35 PM
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457 visas have been scrapped because the Canberra drongos eventually got the message that "tens of thousands of foreigners were being employed ahead of Australians." Employers now have to advertise jobs in Australian papers before hiring overseas. Foreign workers will also need better English skills. They will also have to wait an extra year before they can apply for permanent residence.

There should be no permanent residency for these people, who should be used only until Australian workers are available, then back off home with them. The original 457 visas entitled people to work here for 4 years only.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 19 March 2018 4:46:08 PM
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