The Forum > Article Comments > Amy Taeuber fights back against Adelaide knuckle-draggers > Comments
Amy Taeuber fights back against Adelaide knuckle-draggers : Comments
By Malcolm King, published 9/10/2017The Amy Taeuber case is curious because it is sexual prejudice in its most raw form. It is a prime example why the second wave of the feminist movement rose in the early 1960s.
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King doesn't say that the entire 7 network is staffed by “knuckle-draggers”; he just refers to “Adelaide knuckle-draggers”, who act “more like the Stasi”! Everything is worse in Adelaide!
All of this abuse is supposedly in defence of an Adelaide TV presenter, a sweet faced young lady, 27 years of age, but looking more like 15, whom, I sure, was a great source of pride to her parents and family each time she appeared on the screen before being dumped. Such a 'cutie' was she, that whoever fired who must be knuckle-draggers. And, true to form for the likes of Malcolm King, they are “under educated”. Good old cultural Marxism at its best.
The problem with Amy is that she couldn't take a joke. She found the joke offensive. She made an official complaint, which is what people of a certain age and gender do these days. Can't blame them, it's the way they've been drilled by the feminists and schools. She got the sack, and the 'dreadful, white male', Lohse, got away with a maybe-tasteless joke. Amy has 'guts', but no job. She lives in the same real world as the rest of us.
As far as I'm aware Malcolm King has no more insight into this incident than the general public. Given the public's contempt for the media and its employees, who really cares?