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The Forum > Article Comments > Are we surrendering our national identity? > Comments

Are we surrendering our national identity? : Comments

By Graham Annesley, published 30/5/2017

It's time for the silent majority to reclaim the national agenda

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When has the apathetic, great silent majority stood up on their back legs and demanded anything? Except roll over, play dead or beg for a tummy rub?

Thus over recent decades the gap between the haves and the have nots has continued to widen with more and more of the have nots tipping the scales of inequality!

Moreover, former freedoms have been selectively removed by the ruling autocrats. usually catapulted into power with back room preference deals at the behest of this or that fiefdom chief, that do very little to reflect the expressed will of the great silent majority?

That said, we do tend to take what has been purchased with the blood and sacrifice of former generation or granted? Why some of us are too tired to get up off the lard ass to go and defecate, let alone do as much, to vote?

While others are just consumed with endlessly feathering their own nests, while all others can go visit the nearest taxidermist?

Thus we have working poor, unaffordable housing, unaffordable energy, the manufacturing sector disappearing before our very eyes, stalled or going backwards wages growth, post code poverty traps and the self serving ruling class mired in, he said she said, petty partisan politics, rather than doing what they are very generously paid for, fixing it!

Who's surrendering? We were never in the fight!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 30 May 2017 11:00:51 AM
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"Bleeding heart"
"Political correctness"
"Noisy minorities"
"Australian heritage and values"
"radical minority"

That's word-salad BINGO!
Posted by JBSH, Tuesday, 30 May 2017 11:05:05 AM
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"That leaves the ball firmly in our collective court. It's now time for the silent majority to stand up and reclaim our national identity. To proudly speak out in defence of our Australian heritage and values, and put the radical minority back in their box where they belong before it's too late."

Dead right. It's way past time. Australia is based on Judo-Christian values and laws. If others want to come to Australia fo a better life, they should eb willing to work hard, not bludge of the government and taxpayer, not try to change our culture and not blow us up.

The ABC should be de-Greened and de-radicalised
Stop the dangerous climate change lunacy
Stop the renewable energy lunacy
Stop the anti-coal lunacy
We need high immigration, but based on getting people with needed skills, and those values are good fit with our culture
Posted by Peter Lang, Tuesday, 30 May 2017 11:39:07 AM
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What an arrogance for one culture to claim a whole continent for itself, imposing itself on everyone else who lives in that continent and surrounding islands just because their ancestors, centuries ago, happened to have better ships and arms!

Is national identity on the wane?
While I have not noticed any signs of it, if that's the case, then GOOD RIDDANCE!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 30 May 2017 12:07:59 PM
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You were a bad referee and you are an even worse commentator.

You babble on about "Australian values etc" but the only (maybe) example you give are wogs and how well they have done. What are these "values" you speak of? I bet they are not my values and I was born here.

"National identity" is code, used by bigots and racists, for such enlightened ideas as "white Australia", "christian supremacy" and "integration".
You are not a "majority". Thankfully
Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 30 May 2017 12:37:38 PM
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yuyutsu says "What an arrogance for one culture to claim a whole continent for itself, imposing itself on everyone else who lives in that continent and surrounding islands just because their ancestors, centuries ago, happened to have better ships and arms!"

This is the problem. We don't claim the whole continent because we happened to have better ships.
We claim the continent we we built a great nation here based on our cultural values.
These cultural values included the importance of hard work and individual initiative, secular society, rule of law, democracy and human rights, a strong respect for education and a willingness to fight for what we believe. The dismissal of all this in favour of "better ships" is exactly what the author is talking about.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Tuesday, 30 May 2017 12:41:48 PM
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