The Forum > Article Comments > Why say and commit funding to 'deradicalisation' but not deliver on the promise? > Comments
Why say and commit funding to 'deradicalisation' but not deliver on the promise? : Comments
By Kendall Galbraith, published 24/3/2017International attacks claimed by Islamic State have substantially increased public social fears of Islamic extremism and home-grown terrorism, making all efforts to deter the extremist threat a political and social priority.
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Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 March 2017 9:08:58 AM
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De-Radicalisation Programmes just won't work & you don't have to be some Left Wing Uni Professor to work that out. The best way would be to Neuter the suspected or returned Terrorist then send him back. That way he won't blow anyone up because 72 Virgins aren't going to be any good to the Terrorist anyway.
Posted by Jayb, Friday, 24 March 2017 11:10:23 AM
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Here's what the experts think: Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 March 2017 12:51:41 PM
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cont'd ...
Kerrie Armstrong tells us that deradicalisation experts say the government's approach to halting the radicalisation of young people does not work and may be encouraging them towards extremism. It makes sense. Looking at kids (any kids) in a negative light is not going to work. Any teacher worth their weight knows the core truth of education. "Self-hate destroys, self-esteem saves". What kids need is to have their deficiences minimised, their rage neutralised, and their natural gifts enhanced. They need to be told that they can be part of the solution, or part of the problem. That the world needs their talents. You need to believe in kids, guide them, and appeal to their pride and imagination. You need grass roots programs designed to work with kids. You need kids to feel connected with the schools and the teachers. If you run negative programs like the government programs it is so easy to become disconnected and that's when you've got problems. But hey - it's all the fault of their religion. Yeah, right! Posted by Foxy, Friday, 24 March 2017 1:08:02 PM
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"The root cause" of Islamic extremism, is Islam itself, Kendall Galbraith. Islam is a totalitarian ideology who's unchangeable doctrine ordered by the Islamic God and His Prophet, is that Islam should spread by armed force. And that those Jihadi men who do God's work shall be rewarded both in this life, and the supposed hereafter. They can take the property of God's enemies, and take their enemies wives and daughters as sex slaves. How are you going to counter that? Turn government employees into holy men and convert them to another religion?
Your premise is that all we have to do is give the public service more money to finance "deradicalisation programs". The idea that forever throwing taxpayer money at a problem will eventually solve it, does not have a good history in Australia, or for that matter, anywhere else. Spending billions "Closing The Gap" did nothing for aboriginal advancement, other than demand that billions more needed to be spent. Spending tens of billions on Australian education left Australian kids behind Kazakhstan in international testing. When you find yourself in a hole, Kendall, the first thing to do is to stop digging. Stop Islamic immigration into western countries, because anybody who's IQ attains three figures can understand that the more Muslims you have, the worse the problem gets. We only have to look at Sweden, France, Britain and Germany for a portent of things to come unless we get rid of this overly tolerant mindset that is wrecking our own civilisation. Some of the "radical" prisoners in jail are dual citizens. Strip them of their Australian citizenship and deport them. As assassinated MLA John Newman once remarked about the Vietnamese gangs in Sydney, "The only thing they fear is deportation." Next, it is absolutely necessary for every western politician to criticise Islam, and tell the Muslims to reform their dangerous religion, instead of constantly making excuses because they want the Muslim vote. Because unless we take steps to stop Islam spreading now, Kendall, then it will be your kids who will inherent an Australia where they live in fear. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 25 March 2017 3:47:29 AM
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Posted by mikk, Saturday, 25 March 2017 8:16:16 AM
The 'trigger warning' for this article is the author's association with Left wing, Muslim politician and professional 'victim', Ann Aly.