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The Forum > Article Comments > Law protects women by guarding innocent unborn > Comments

Law protects women by guarding innocent unborn : Comments

By Julie Borger, published 27/2/2017

More abortions would hurt more women. With every abortion, the toll is one dead, one wounded.

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Isn't it ironic that all the people who support abortion have already been born?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 February 2017 7:31:38 AM
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Unenforceable laws protect/guard nobody, least of all the innocent unborn!

Moreover, more harm is done by poverty, absolutely rife in places that still outlaw clinical abortions!

Thus we see desperate women, all too often the victims of rape and or incest or both? Being left with no other for them remedy, than backyard butchers!

Many many more paying the ultimate price or being permanently harmed or rendered infertile. And a clear cut case of the (self appointed do gooders,) doing more harm than good!

And only possible because of manifestly misguided activists like the Author assuming self declared Authority only dispensable by a just all knowing God!

When men can carry babies placed inside their abdominal cavity minus their consent ever (technically possible) and be forced to go full term then support and succour the result for up to and even beyond eighteen years on a part time Janitors salary. Maybe this clap trap crap will stop?

Or when these folk (fat cats, the over privileged) start focusing exclusively on their own shortcoming or failings, as opposed to just ignoring them and assisted in that endevour as self appointed (well I never and how dare you) busybody moral judges for everyone else but themselves?

It can no longer be a case of do what I say and ignore what I do or how I do it!

[And the usual Sunday sermon will be held on Saturday instead of Monday. The community pool will be available for exclusive nude bathing, Tuesday nights for the Ladies and Thursday nights for men; and for the Village Pastor and myself, any night we choose!]

Get a life, self indulgent pous parsimonious moralizing busybody, one of your own! You just don't have a right to own someone else's or decide how they, as sound of mind, fully informed Adults, conduct it!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 February 2017 9:39:06 AM
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Well said Julie...of course this move to legalise the killing of unborn babies is a con ..and part of an ongoing strategy devised by a clique of ideologues who purport to speak for all women...your most telling words are that abortion "isn't good enough for women" ..that's what women other than this "clique" believe....just witness the funding of overseas abortions by our current Government ..headed by a man with a "Harbourside Mansion" and a "professional career" woman as a Foreign Minister approving this funding! What a look for the "Lucky Country" ...paying to kill the babies of women in "Less Lucky Countries"! But I digress...don't go down the path of Victoria, Julie, and its State sanctioned killing of unborn children ..up to birth ...and the stifling of any contrary opinion...that's what upsets this clique...the fact that there are people who disagree with them, the fact that people love the innocent unborn child and think too highly of mothers to stand by while they feel there is no alternative in their lives other than to have their unborn children killed. Yesterday I read of QLD MP Jackie Trad's Facebook comments on "a woman's right to choose"(Oh, that this was so...some "choice" many are "coerced" into abortions by their caddish boyfriends, parents, society-in-general) and her comments to reporters " I would have thought the Archbishop (Coleridge) had more important things on his mind to focus on, like the inquiry into institutional abuse and the findings that are coming out of the that inquiry, than what is before the Queensland parliament " Nice try Jackie..."faithful" Catholic that you are! So because 7% of Catholic clergy according to the Inquiry , are "alleged" to have sexually abused children, it is alright for parliamentarians like yourself to sanction the killing of the most innocent of all children, unborn babies ? I feel sorry for Queenslanders that they have to endure the illogicality of parliamentarians like you!
Posted by Denny, Monday, 27 February 2017 10:18:48 AM
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Abortion is a really, really nasty business that all of us should be ashamed of.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 February 2017 10:24:38 AM
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Alan your worn out half lies are 50 years out of date. A new breed of women who have not have their consciences destroyed by emily's list and other abhorrent groups are on the rise. Your hatred of life is quite astounding.
Posted by runner, Monday, 27 February 2017 10:32:08 AM
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My hatred of life runner, what on earth are you rabbiting (mendacious disingenuous morbidity) on about?

Any considered in depth read and comprehension of what I've actually written would tell anybody, except the verbalizing abusive moribund, exactly the opposite!

Caps that fit?

You must have concluded that I am a powerfully persuasive writer to just go the abusive attack, ditto all your abusive friends! Thanks for the backhanded compliment one and all!

And sure to encourage others to read and actually comprehend exactly what I have actually written; as opposed to just accepting your wildly inaccurate verbal!

Thanks for the assistance and for effectively making my inherently indisputable case for me!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 February 2017 10:53:38 AM
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