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An Australia Day reflection : Comments
By Sarah Russell, published 30/1/2017Guilt doesn't create the basis for reframing our relationships or enabling us to see new alterative futures together.
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The 79% of blackfellas who live and work like whitefellas should be (and probably are) happy about British settlement and the fact that they don't have to live the cruel and primitive lives their ancestors did. They could also, along with us whitefellas, show the bush blackfellas that living remotely, without education, jobs, health care and facilities is no sort of life at all.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 30 January 2017 9:05:31 AM
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I think this is were the problem is,
Guilt why on earth should any none Aboriginal person in Australia feel guilt? I was born here should i feel guilty about what my great great, great grand father may have done? Should a Greek person who moved to Australia 50 years feel guilty? What about a boat person who came as a refugee 5 years ago? Should a five year old Japanese person feel guilty about the second world war? About about the great grand child of a Nazy? We should acknowledged but we should not feel guilty. In the end all of that is symbolism, now of it will actual help the situation. Those marching in the invasion day marches have no interest at all in ensuring that aboriginals have to same opportunities and obligations as the rest of Australians citizens. These marches where populated by four types of people. Urban aboriginals who have no culture and no real connection with their heritage, they are after hand outs. Middle class art students with no hope of ever paying back their Unis fees with paid work. Middle class skivvy wear exe arts students. and journalist. Ie people we should ignore. Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 30 January 2017 9:29:23 AM
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The following link sums things up rather well: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 January 2017 9:53:45 AM
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cont'd ...
Oh dear I'm again having problems with my computer. I won't try again this time. All I can suggest is that you Google - "Joe Hilderbrand - changing the date of Australia Day wont change our past." The link should come up and it's worth a read. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 30 January 2017 9:56:31 AM
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There is a guilt industry going. Everyone has to feel guilty because somewhere sometime some person acted in some way that someone else doesn't like.
The ABC has been sucked into this and falls over itself apologising for everything. It's usually the fault of some white man somewhere.The 730 program is packed with it, likewise ABC TV "news". It's the Culture of Complaint all over again. I would be more inclined to read this article sympathetically if the author corrected her own faults in logic, grammar and punctuation Posted by Waverley, Monday, 30 January 2017 9:58:07 AM
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Those who live in the past have no future! With the anglicisation of Ireland, many celts were dispossessed and again as the consequence of the great famine! The highland clearances dispossessed most highlanders, some of who responded with armed rebellion! And as a consequence, many swelled the ranks of the, bound down in iron chains, transportees!
One of my forebears came with the second fleet in such a manner. And when he and fellow prisoners escaped from notorious Sarah Island, he added his genes to the native tasmanian gene pool. It all occurred a very long time ago and before I was even a gleam in my father's eye and he a gleam in his etc/etc! Others followed as indentured servants, (slaves) due to the Great potato famine. Others came as free settlers, doctors, when Adelaide was being developed as our first planned city. It remains of little consequence when some flamin flag was raised! But particularly for the hundreds of thousands of dispossessed who arrived here as the consequence of world wars! Or the thousands of Aussies, who lay moldering in some distant war graves. Paying the ultimate sacrifice, just so those that want to bellyache about a date, retain the right to do so, ad infinitum, ad nauseum! It happened and no amount of bellyaching by folks not there won't/can't change that! Therefore it is time to bury the past along with the participants and refocus on what is of real and actual importance and threatened by mindless, pointless activism! And that is recognition, reconciliation, unity, the referendum and the best possible future we can create for succeeding generations! All anyone can ever own is their own behavior and consensus ought to decide if we want to change our day! Not those with the loudest voices or most antisocial, aggressive, pernicious personalities! And how about a DNA test to separate out the real original Australians/claimants for native title benefits, and the pretenders, some of whom may be more dyak than Aborigine? And their clear if unstated goal/aim/purpose is division and anything that prospers that!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 30 January 2017 11:21:36 AM