The Forum > Article Comments > Legalise nicotine vaping as a harm reduction solution for tobacco smoking > Comments
Legalise nicotine vaping as a harm reduction solution for tobacco smoking : Comments
By Satyajeet Marar, published 14/11/2016More than 6 million citizens of the EU have kicked their tobacco habit by puffing vapes loaded with nicotine.
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Posted by Alan B., Monday, 14 November 2016 10:49:41 AM
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The detrimental health effects of smoking tobacco in all its forms in not in the nicotine but in the carcinogens that result from the actual burning of the leaf.
Vaping avoids all those problems. Vaping is a way of getting the nicotine without getting the carcinogens in much the same way as nicotine gums and patches deliver nicotine without the health issues. There are now an array of studies that show that vaping is both safe and a very effective tool in helping people overcome their cigarette habit. The best of these is a study by Public Health England, a UK government authority. The study is here: "An expert review of the latest evidence concludes that e-cigarettes are around 95% safer than smoked tobacco and they can help smokers to quit." The case against vaping is now one of ideology, not science. The prohibitionists are trying to stop the practice in the face of overwhelming evidence. If the various state governments were sincere in their claims of seeking harm reduction for the good of the smokers, they'd not only permit the sale of liquid nicotine but would permit its promotion to current smokers as a health measure. That they aren't tells us a lot about the real reasons behind the anti-smoking jihad. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 14 November 2016 12:13:30 PM
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I'm surprised to learn we're so backwards on this. I've met a few people with vaporizers - I guess they had prescriptions. I doubt there'd be many doctors who wouldn't be willing to write a prescription for a vaporizer; they're usually reasonable people even if the politicians aren't.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 14 November 2016 1:54:49 PM
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Prescriptions aren't required. Each state has its own rules but basically its:
* legal to buy and sell vaporisers * legal to use vaporisers anywhere smoking is permitted and, in NSW, in many places smokes are banned * legal to buy and sell the liquid for the vaporisers so long as it doesn't contain nicotine * legal to import liquid from overseas (mainly US, NZ and China) with nicotine so long as its for personal use and no more than 3 months supply Anecdotally retailers are harassed and many have decided to stop selling the devices although again they can be easily sourced from China or the US. Because users need to import their supplies it becomes much more expensive than it need be although still significantly less than cigarettes for the same level of nicotine 'hit'. Some in the vaping community think the government doesn't want vaping to take off because, due to it being much cheaper and the numbers who convert out of cigarettes, there will be a significant hit to taxes. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 14 November 2016 3:17:05 PM
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Nicotine is an addictive poison that big tobacco needs to sell! And given vaping allows that addiction to continue to take over the lives of addicts! It just is not benign as depicted by the sales blurp and or, patent enthusiasts!
Therefore, I would limit it with a progressively scaled down prescription requirement! If in fact, the addict needs "LIMITED" time to kick a nasty, expensive, antisocial habit! Which may be better dealt with with gum, patches and mouth sprays, that at least ensure, the selfish, I'm alright Jack, narcissistic smoker is no longer able to force non smokers to inadvertently imbibe this noxious filth! Big baccy can still make mucho money extracting this poison, then combining it into unusually effective poisons that kill predatory plant chewers stone cold dead! And give new meaning to the endlessly reincarnated, cigar chomping I'm louie the fly, commercials? And end with the sober factual message, nicotine is an extremely effective, deadly poison and should be kept from any accidental contact with children or ungloved adults! For mine addicts could have their poison of choice combined with coffee and taken as a, oh so pleasant wonderful warm enemina? Meaning you might even be able to take the smoke and coffee break while still at work and while up off your ass? After all, we need to do some of our work while standing! Privacy concerns could be catered for by waist high privacy booths? This aspect would allow the addict to take sublethal doses of their favorite poison, without once ever forcing a non addict to also imbibe, even advertently! As seems to have occurred with also carcinogenic asbestos! Alternatively, there could be vap bars, where (gay)addicts could have their ( up yours R sole) bowels pumped full of vapor? Always proving they could hold it all in until they were behind closed doors, their own! And beware of wind with lumps in it! Oops, oops, bugger! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 14 November 2016 7:51:14 PM
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Came across this earlier today: UN E-Cig Agenda Exposed
On assignment at the UN "nanny state" conference in Delhi,'s Lauren Southern asks delegates why they want to regulate quitting mechanisms like e-cigarettes. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 14 November 2016 8:45:05 PM
Just the lesser of two evils, to reduce the carcinogens in the tar that is part of the lung lining habit connected to tobacco!
Quitting it not easy, until the day dawns, when you genuinely, really and truly want to! And on that day you will literally hurl a half finished pack and the lighter into the bin! Ask anyone who has successfully quit!
It is difficult, but unbearable cravings last around five minutes to be replaced after two weeks or so with bearable cravings, that become history after a fully clean year!
To be replaced by absolute revulsion at the smell of cigarettes or romance killing (yuk, go kiss an ashtray) tobacco breath!
Man up and quit, or alternatively take a running jump off a very long drop, if only to save time and money, given it's the same destination!
A man did so some time ago; and as he was falling past the various floors, was heard to say, so good so far.
And underlines the fact, it's not the fall that hurts or harms, but rather, the sudden stop at the bottom.
Which for smokers may be the cancer ward and having large chunks of your body carved off leaving a weeping, wheezing, gasping half blind eyesore, almost as untouchable as a leper!
And (splat) stroke victims, almost invariably smokers or ex-smokers!
Being half blind and paralysed in half of your body is such fun, you should try it?
And almost guaranteed by just lighting that next weed and taking that big deep enjoyable, (chokes/takes your breath away and makes you dizzy and nauseous) inhalation! See, I told you it'd be fun!
Alan B.