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The apparent and real growth of dementia : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 20/10/2016

In 1907 ‘senility’ was the fourth largest cause of death, but as the years passed it became unfashionable as well as unscientific to specify such a cause, and by the late 1960s it had passed from the ICD.

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Well, possibly? The reason? Modern medicine?

In a recent double blind study of statins (google scholar) all those not taking the placebo had their cognitive abilities impaired? Yet these "Management Medicines" are big pharmas most profitable cash cow?

Moreover, many "doctors" refuse to look at the countervailing evidence! A healthy brain is one that has optimal oxygenated blood flow!

And that is better guaranteed by arteries not clogged with cholesterol or calcium!

6 Million case studies into chelation therapy ( approved for over fifty years by the FDA, but out of patent!) would seem to indicate that is what chelation therapy achieves?

And if accompanied by a complementary vitamin and mineral supplementation. Seems to provide the the best outcomes, and essential, given chelation therapy rips these out also and therefore, any therapy given that does not include replacing the non target minerals and vitamins, is going to be decidedly counterproductive!?

And the reason, it would seem, why big pharma insisted the triple blind study included withholding the vital supplements?

For mine, there ought to be another study with one control group given statins, another the vitamin/mineral placebo and the other standard chelation therapy including the mineral vitamin replacement therapy!

I'm also a fan of relatively inexpensive, yet reserved for millionaires!? Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which given the time taken to undergo routine chelation therapy, could be conducted simultaneously!? Hyperbaric oxygen therapy IF applied in a timely manner, seems to provide positive outcomes for spinal injuries, which can sometimes go on to include, "preventable" Paraplegia or quadriplegia?

Moreover, some studies would seem to indicate it's the only therapy impacting positively on both diabetic and tropical ulcers? And understandable given oxygen is implicated in all healing!

And only as expensive as the energy used to separate it!

And the other simple and also inexpensive therapy routinely withheld by the bean counters? Is hydrotherapy, which is having surprising results, if timely, with stroke patients, formerly wheeled into high care nursing homes, which by the way, are the most profitable for some of the (apparent and real growth of) millionaire health care providers!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 20 October 2016 12:23:29 PM
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Alzheimer's disease, one form of dementia, is almost trendy. Every man and his dog has the disease; in fact my neighbour's 14 year old dog was recently diagnosed with it.

The trouble is that nobody knows much about it. The diagnosis is very unscientific, in Australia at least, and there is no proof of a diagnosis until the brain of the dead sufferer is examined. Further, different things happen to different people, and the symtoms listed by Don are not necessarily apparent in all patients. I don't recall ever having disagreed with Don Aitken, but in this case I feel an obligation to warn against taking too much notice of Alzheimer's Australia, which I have found to be quite a useless organization, no matter how much money they gobble up.

Also, be very careful if you think you may have dementia. Once you are diagnosed, you are stuffed. It's like living in a goldfish bowl, with everyone looking at you. And, in my view, specialists are too quick to lob it on you. What happens is this: you will be sent to a neurologyst by your GP; you will be asked to memorise 3 words, on which you will be tested later; you will copy a diagram; you will write a sentence and you will subtract 7 from 100 until then end, or when the neuro gets bored.

If it is decided that you have the dreaded disease, it must, by law, be reported to the government gestapo, and your right to drive is constantly at risk. There is no cure. There is medication that they "think" might be good for 18 months or so, and that's it. You might also have a very expensive MRI, which shows nothing and will not be mentioned to you. You will see the "expert" only once a year, and your GP, who might have doubts about the diagnosis but he sticks to the code and says nothing to the "expert", to get your medication every 3 months.

Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 20 October 2016 12:44:29 PM
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You might forget things in the short term,which affects only your spouse, and is no danger to anyone else and feel the best you ever have; but you are locked into the system , and you can't get out. You can just play the game, and get on with your life, but you are locked into the system. Be careful, and very, very suspicious.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 20 October 2016 12:52:18 PM
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The author explores dementia well.

Interesting that the media explains the growth of cancer in shallow ways including mobile phones allegedly causing cancer.

I was in a section of Government that delt with the lack of health effects of mobile phones. A typical complainant would say.

"Its OK for youse in Canberra. Up here in North Queensland me and me friends have been healthy beach goers for 80 years. Then we started using mobile phones 2 years ago and now we're getting cancer. The cause must be the phones."
Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 22 October 2016 8:02:17 AM
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