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Some uncomfortable facts : Comments

By Syd Hickman, published 7/7/2016

The Liberals left themselves open to scare campaigns from the ALP and are horrified that with Mediscare the ALP has equalled children overboard and all the other appalling lies that conservatives have told over the years.

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"There are a few things I have not seen mentioned that deserve to be noticed."

I don't know where Syd has been, but I can't find anything in his article that every man and his dog would not know if they were interested.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 7 July 2016 11:00:01 AM
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This should serve to keep liberal hands off of medicare. With any sort of luck it will now be safe from manipulation. It has ruined the coalitions only other agenda. They will now have to come up with something else to fill the void, at least to be seen to be doing something.
Posted by doog, Thursday, 7 July 2016 11:10:12 AM
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The reason the Liberals found it hard to deny the
Labour Parties claims about Medicare is because Bill Shorten
wasnt just saying the Liberals were going to Privatize Medicare
he was continually backing that up in every news programme with details.

He said, the Liberals had actually already frozen the government Medicare
Payment to doctors, thereby assuring that the doctors would be less inclined to bulk bill
knowing they could earn a substantial amount more by charging their own private
fees or adding co-payments to medicare as time went by.

This was true and not a lie.

Also, Shorten said, that the liberals were looking at cutting back tests, like bloodtests,xrays etc. and also bringing in some kind of charge for tests.
This means over $200.00 s. or more if the ordinary person needs a test.

Now this was being put out there in the news. and by word of mouth, quite some weeks, before Bill Shorten zoned in on it in the last 2weeks of the election.

I wanted to hear Malcom Turnbull say they werent considering this,
but he never did, why?

He just kept saying we wont privatize Medicare, it seemed very vague and not
truthful, when he didnt directly, refute the medicare payment freeze, or say directly
you wont have to pay for future cholestrol, diabetic etc, tests, MRIs and X-rays.

Thats what the public wanted to know and what Shorten kept emphazing.

The Liberals anger, seems to me to be because, there was truth in their
behind the scenes manipulation of medicare and they were caught out.

Now the out of the ountry, out of touch,lets just fill in this electrol vote weve been
sent, so we dont have to vote lot, have voted the Liberals back in.

Lucky for them. put not a true representation of the anger,of the in-touch electrate.
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 10 July 2016 3:17:29 PM
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I disagree with Syd Hickman's analysis.

The western democracies are polarising, as the productive white population majorities are being submerged through immigration and birth rate differentials by people from failed states. In the USA and Britain, the Leftist cause is being championed rather incredibly by two unrepentant communist dinosaurs who openly seek the ethnic minority vote. So it is hardly surprising that what is left of the white race is voting for Trump, the Tea party, or Brexit.

Here in Australia, as in Europe and the USA, multiculturalism is turning into a nightmare, especially for democracy. But Syd studiously refuses to see the elephant in the room. What frightens most thinking white people is Islamic immigration, which will guarantee restrictions on free speech, because the imams do not tolerate criticism of their violent and medieval religion. Please note that Syd cast a demeaning slur on Christian religious parties, but did usual the three monkey thing with Islam. Of course, one can appreciate Syd's reticence. The Christians won't kill you if you criticise them, but the Muslims will.

I think that Tony Abbot got hammered in his own electorate, Syd, because there are many Liberal voters who thought that he was not strong enough in defending western white democracy. He caved in to the Jewish lobby on free speech, and he was another one sucking up to the ethnic minorities and ignoring his own people. Liberal voters think that Turnbull is a catastrophe. You live in hope that your leaders will one day go into bat for their own people, and defend their own people and culture. But it was obvious that the Liberal Party through Turnbull was going the other way.

In the same way that Shorton and the Labor party was sent a message by the electorate that they were not going to tolerate the entire third world lobbing up to Australia in fishing boats and asking directions to Centrelink, The Libs just got sent a message to start moving right and represent Australians instead of the growing socialist/ethnic/green alliance full of hyphenated "Australians" such a Dick Genitalia.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 11 July 2016 6:04:59 AM
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Totally agree.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 12 July 2016 12:20:11 AM
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