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The Forum > Article Comments > Castration and hate crime legislation: a model to avoid in Australia > Comments

Castration and hate crime legislation: a model to avoid in Australia : Comments

By Alexandra Tennant, published 15/4/2016

Think twice before 'treating' child sex offenders with chemical castration.

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I think it is high time we stopped worrying about the perceived rights of these inhuman child abusers. I just wouldn't stop at chemical castration but utilise a surgical procedure that makes it a permanent feature. And I'd brand and release these animals as ankle bracelet wearing, bonded servants in outback sheep stations, offshore Islands, what have you, when they'd done their time.

I remember a serial recidivist rapist bar steward called osbourne, as memory serves.

This born again christian discovered Jesus, when doing (butter wouldn't melt in his mouth) time, managed to fool, the usual do-gooders; and when released on parole, went on a raping and vicious knife wielding raping and killing spree that started in Queensland and only ended in W.A. after countless innocent lives had been brutally tortured and taken!

And but for a Towoomba nurse who'd been stabbed over a hundred times, miraculously surviving and living to tell her tale, the monster could have go on and on for who knows how long, before someone stopped him.

I personally wish it could have been with a high velocity projectile right between the peepers, sending the monster on a oneway trip on the highway to hell. A very permanent cure and far better than the animal deserved!

It is high time these exceptionally gifted liars had their stories of redemption and rehabilitation independently verified with covertly deployed space age lie detection technology, that even compulsive liars, tax cheats, drug users/addicts and psychopaths can't beat!

The self confessed experts have released far too many recidivist serial offenders, yet still go on to defend their extraordinary ego driven (I can't be fooled) decisions!

Early release? Yeah sure, if I had my druthers, by firing squad!
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 15 April 2016 10:21:17 AM
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I don't see that the subject benefits from an inconclusive ramble by a Bachelor of Business/Arts. I would only comment on what someone who knew what they were talking about said. Unlike the old hoodlum, Rhrosty who, as usual, wants violence wreaked against everyone. I hope the old nutter does not have access to firearms.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 15 April 2016 11:29:40 AM
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Unfortunately the article did not shed any extra light on this issue.
There is some good research on the subject of surgical castration of sex offenders and it does appear to be effective. Medical castration not so good as it relies on the offender taking the medicine.
The issue of what motivates the perpetrator is not in my opinion relevant. They may still be a terrible person, but if they have no libido they will not commit sex offences.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Friday, 15 April 2016 11:43:01 AM
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"The issue of what motivates the perpetrator is not in my opinion relevant. They may still be a terrible person, but if they have no libido they will not commit sex offences."

They will probably still commit other offences so it is just sweeping the problem under the carpet. Sexual assault is never about sex. Rape is never about sex - it is about wanting to hurt or wanting to possess the other in some symbolic way. Of course no one should ever act out these desires but making it just about sexual feelings is too simplistic.
Posted by phanto, Friday, 15 April 2016 1:35:39 PM
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Nope Phanto, Susan Brownmiller was wrong about rape, it's got little to do with "power and control" and everything to do with sex and access to women, the vast majority of rapists are parasitic men from social underclasses who simply steal sexual gratification because they're too lazy or inept to go through the socially accepted process of courtship.
Rape is theft, being robbed of personal dignity, being shamed and treated like dirt is disempowering, traumatic and has lifetime psychological consequences but it has no political connotations, it doesn't reflect on men's general attitudes toward women and the crime confers no "power" or special status upon men.
Sociopaths like Cowan are a different type of creature, evidence shows that in many cases their brains are, if not damaged at least "wired wrong", watch the interviews with his former girlfriends, he came directly from raping the little boy in Darwin and attempted sex with his de- facto partner.
They have no conscience, no shame, no regard for others and their sex drive is usually only a small factor of their anti social personality, the only way to "cure" such people is by a long drop on a short rope or by locking them up forever where their broken brains can plot and fantasise in isolation.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 16 April 2016 8:42:54 AM
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Yes ttbn, I have a gun cabinet and chock full of long and short arms.

I can, even now put ten bottles tied with string on a swinging beam 300 yards out and cut nine out of ten strings from that distance, with the bottles swinging; and with just a single ten round mag.

And a useful skill when used (humanely) against Feral animals, particularly those who are destroying our native forests. It's not/never was pleasure, just a dirty job someone has to do.

Simply put, guns just tools I'm good with even from a mile and a half away. And how dare you misrepresent me the way you have.

My views don't necessarily equate or square away with violence or even any kind of preference or predilection for it.

Just because I'm in favour of capital punishment and protecting innocent women and kids from monsters; who by the way cost us around $70,00.00 a year to keep in relative comfort, while their many victims are made to serve life sentences.

Even as they ponder in terrible trepidation, what their lives or liberty will be worth when these abominable Psychopaths are eventually released.

[Moreover, none of my honestly expressed views necessarily equates to a violent nutter!]

A single bullet to the brain pan is so much cheaper and permanent, and in far too many cases, far more humane than these animals deserve.

And that final solution virtually guarantees their victims will be able to finally rebuild their lives, without having to forever look over the shoulder?

It also guarantees there will be no new victims down to that particular monster! Furthermore, I for one just don't believe that is undeserved or too big an ask?

Given your commentary and your perpetrator defensive, highly offensive and entirely inappropriate labeling, you all too clearly, hold a very different (birds of a feather) view!?
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 16 April 2016 9:29:29 AM
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