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The shrinking Malcolm Turnbull : Comments
By Syd Hickman, published 11/3/2016Perhaps Turnbull's biggest failure is his apparent belief in his own propaganda.
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The writer also dismisses the achievements of the Howard government, which left the economy healthy and with a substantial surplus.
That situation was destroyed by Rudd's hysterical, vacuous and destructive spending on pink batts, Grocery Watch, Fuel Watch, open borders for 50,000 illegals - most of whom we are still paying for - the carbon tax, the mining tax, green loans, stimulus cheques to dead people and foreigners, more handouts to the spivs and charlatans in the wind and solar industries which were and remain unable to compete without subsidies, green loans, and over-priced school buildings.
The result was a massive deficit but no long-term benefits.
In two years, the Abbott government stopped the boats, killed off the carbon and mining taxes, negotiated major free trade agreements and began to prepare for welfare and superannuation reforms.
The process had at least begun.
The Turnbull government has achieved nothing. Nothing. Instead, we have had six months of waffle and confection.
And this writer thinks Turnbull can turn it all around merely by positive thinking and exhortations?
If the Turnbull government wants spending cuts, then here are a few suggestions: stop the wind and solar subsidies forthwith; get rid of the environment portfolio altogether, for that matter. We don't need to spend another cent on "climate change" because nothing that has been or can be done will have the slightest practical effect. Climate changes, every minute: there was no magical day back in the 1930s when the climate was perfect that we can use as a benchmark and bring back as the norm.
Reintroduce caps on Commonwealth funding of tertiary education places. Removing the caps was a particularly stupid Gillard thought bubble.
Acknowledge that the massive Commonwealth expenditure on primary and secondary education since the mid 1970s has resulted in falling educational standards. Cutting expenditures on education by increasing class sizes might have a beneficial result in that it would reduce the influence of the teachers' unions and the consequent donations to Labor.