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The shrinking Malcolm Turnbull : Comments

By Syd Hickman, published 11/3/2016

Perhaps Turnbull's biggest failure is his apparent belief in his own propaganda.

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This writer has missed the point. Turnbull is shrinking because he is a hollow man, inflated only by self-interest.

The writer also dismisses the achievements of the Howard government, which left the economy healthy and with a substantial surplus.

That situation was destroyed by Rudd's hysterical, vacuous and destructive spending on pink batts, Grocery Watch, Fuel Watch, open borders for 50,000 illegals - most of whom we are still paying for - the carbon tax, the mining tax, green loans, stimulus cheques to dead people and foreigners, more handouts to the spivs and charlatans in the wind and solar industries which were and remain unable to compete without subsidies, green loans, and over-priced school buildings.

The result was a massive deficit but no long-term benefits.

In two years, the Abbott government stopped the boats, killed off the carbon and mining taxes, negotiated major free trade agreements and began to prepare for welfare and superannuation reforms.

The process had at least begun.

The Turnbull government has achieved nothing. Nothing. Instead, we have had six months of waffle and confection.

And this writer thinks Turnbull can turn it all around merely by positive thinking and exhortations?

If the Turnbull government wants spending cuts, then here are a few suggestions: stop the wind and solar subsidies forthwith; get rid of the environment portfolio altogether, for that matter. We don't need to spend another cent on "climate change" because nothing that has been or can be done will have the slightest practical effect. Climate changes, every minute: there was no magical day back in the 1930s when the climate was perfect that we can use as a benchmark and bring back as the norm.

Reintroduce caps on Commonwealth funding of tertiary education places. Removing the caps was a particularly stupid Gillard thought bubble.

Acknowledge that the massive Commonwealth expenditure on primary and secondary education since the mid 1970s has resulted in falling educational standards. Cutting expenditures on education by increasing class sizes might have a beneficial result in that it would reduce the influence of the teachers' unions and the consequent donations to Labor.
Posted by calwest, Friday, 11 March 2016 8:44:22 AM
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I'm sorry Syd, I just don't share your "analysis"; and make the point, that courage of conviction, staying the course and arguing your case well enough to bring folks with you, buys a lot of political capital!

Malcolm's only problem is the extreme right and their determination to undermine him, a move back to the centre; and all that he stands for, even if that destroys a once great party?

Such is the power of entirely self serving individualism and completely unfettered personal ambition and self evident disloyalty/born to rule megalomania?
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 11 March 2016 9:38:30 AM
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My sources inform me that Malcolm is a gentleman, playing at politics, on his way to becoming Australia's first white, male, non-LGBT President.

I don't know if that's true or not.
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 11 March 2016 10:38:01 AM
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Sorry Syd, but you should give up commentary, if you can't learn to see past you left bias. You simply talk garbage when it comes from your current ideology.

You obviously made a typing error when you blamed Howard for our now locked in deficit. You obviously meant Rudd, but you should not deny Gillard her share of the fiasco. After all it was her, in her dying days that locked in the time bombs of Gonski & the National disability insurance scheme.

These & the ridiculous numbers of so called disabled we currently fund are our main problem. Then there is middle class welfare coming fast to catch up with the low life already costing more than we can ever sustain.

When I was a young bloke paying 7.5% income tax on the average wage, welfare including the pension was almost enough to rent a tent, & buy food. Now my old age compatriots, & you appear, to expect it to fund nice homes, cars, & an annual holiday. People are now paying over 30% tax, & we still can't fund the costs. Something has to give, & it would be nice if it were an orderly step back from the jaws of ruin, rather than the total collapse we are heading for. Things like this bit of fantasy will only make our situation more desperate.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 March 2016 12:32:33 PM
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Calwest wins the Bobbie prize for the most factually incorrect post not attributable to "runner".

Clearly your an Abbott fanboy so nothing anybody says is going to pierce your delusion, but for on lookers...GFC
Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 11 March 2016 1:44:16 PM
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I suspect that the first thing on Turnbull's to do list was to get a good team of ministers together. Maybe he has achieved that, time will tell. The innovation idea is great in theory but hard to put into fact - have you looked at their web site? a Government Department leading innovation? The idea is great, but it would need to be structured differently - far more adventuresomely with non public service levels of risk taking.

But overall I think that Turnbull's noticeable failure is his inability to inspire, to lead from the front. One gets the feeling of a competent manager stuck with staff not of his own choosing that he MUST work with. True, that is one role of a PM in our political system.

But the main role of a PM is to create National excitement, hope, a possible future. Turnbull may have this in him, but is he caught in his own PR machine? It is beginning to look so - does he(as the article says) believe his own staff's propaganda?
Posted by don't worry, Friday, 11 March 2016 3:36:35 PM
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