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A world without borders : Comments
By Peter Curson, published 21/12/2015The number of international migrants has more than doubled over the last 30 years from 103 million to more than 250 million today and could quite possibly reach 400 million by 2050.
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And a must do, least we live in a world without borders?
And therefore a world where the traditional laws and customs no longer hold sway; and it deteriorates into a hell on earth, where you are only safe behind impenetrable or totally hidden defenses!
WE have a natural moat and could if we so chose to,repel all boarders, sink or shoot down all attempts to take over/steal what we have or have created for ourselves and our children!?
However, I believe it is a better option to treat this problem at source; and by sending a cruise missile through a sleeping dictators bedroom window, if that is what it takes to end the bloodletting that keeps him or her inpower!
The only reason we have failed with this model in the past, is we didn't stay the course as law giving occupiers; until all the power vacuums were filled by a more population friendly model, be it universal suffrage/democracy, or the benign dictatorship, that precedes it?
But mostly I believe, we can improve the common lot just by providing the affordable carbon free or carbon neutral energy they need to till the ground and pump the water (recycled or desalinated where and as necessary,) so as to provide sufficient food and economic opportunities where they are now.
And then having done that, set about creating cottage industries and an education model that treat the other half of the population as equals before God and or the law!
We need borders and the laws they make possible along with the freedoms they guarantee!