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The Forum > Article Comments > The NUS and the transgenderism debate that wasn't > Comments

The NUS and the transgenderism debate that wasn't : Comments

By Mal Fletcher, published 3/11/2015

Might a perceived rise in the popularity of gender realignment among children be due to the fact that parents are confused about how gender identity emerges in the first place?

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Debate about sex and gender issues is fast becoming the taboo area of human society. Once there was no discussion then there was a lot and now for different reasons altogether there is an attempt to silence all debate again.

Could this be that for most people any discussion triggers doubts they have about their own attitudes to sex and gender? They do not want to explore that area of their humanity because they may find things about themselves that are too painful to look at. A culture develops which says I will not question your sexual behaviour if you do not question mine.

Not every behaviour that people indulge in is in their own best interest. Often such behaviour is an attempt to meet emotional needs in ways that can never satisfy. Alcoholism, drug taking, gambling, work addiction and such behaviours are often substitutes for emotional satisfaction. Probably the most common way of ‘acting out’ is in the area of sexuality. This could well be because it is mainly done in private where there is not too much danger of being censured or ridiculed.

It is easy to say what does it matter to anyone else what people do in private but it does matter because if those people are not emotionally satisfied then there are repercussions for all those with whom they live and work. If they are in positions of power then it can have far-reaching consequences.

If we refuse to have frank discussions about such behaviour then those who are stuck in a hole have no hope. Without being challenged they become isolated and this is the very thing they are trying to avoid. It may be painful to hear things they do not want to hear but it is less painful than total isolation. It may also be painful for some of us to allow discussion on these topics but burying our head in the sand is no answer.
Posted by phanto, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 10:23:40 AM
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Well the message this new pope is sending out doesn't help much.
Posted by sophies choice, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 11:18:20 AM
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Is this new (to the general public) term Transgender just part of the gay rights, same sex, campaign cuming through the backdoor?
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 11:44:36 AM
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I believe we're approaching this from the wrong direction!

If a male person feels he's a female and wants an operation to completely change his physical aspects, only to find this just increases the physiological problems; then it's getting ass about!

What we can and should do is rewire the area causing the misaligned gender orientation so that it then fits the visible Male biology for a whole male; and or, female biology for a whole female?

And only on their request for gender reassignment and then only as a proffered option?

If an accident can do this but in reverse and seamlessly, then given we know how to do it with a couple of implanted electrodes that simply burn out the inappropiate wiring at the lower back of the brain? And it is a truism that the brain can feel no pain and you could be conscious?

[And this has already been applied in scotland in the seventies, by a court order to reassign a pedophile, to in effect, turn him into a normal hetrosexual male, who's since married, had a couple of kids and on the latest reports, had never ever been happier or more fulfilled!]

Then we should offer to others? And not to be confused by quite deliberate obfuscation, with shock or so called aversion therapy; which simply doesn't work and or, causes more problems.

This stuff isn't felt or more than a mere tickle; given all you need are tiny voltages, and the electrodes precisely placed. All doable with the help of an attending radiologist and very low rad cat scan?

Almost the same as if a lumber puncture needle was being precisely placed for the purpose of a myelogram?
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 12:02:04 PM
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It takes all sorts. Usually the public don't mind. After expressing some natural curiosity most people would accept the person. There are practical solutions to the mundane things such as toilets.

Any problems are because the usual suspects, feminists and Gay Pride activists, are about their secondary gain and are stirring, so what else is new?

I don't believe that parents are 'confused', but some would like to make it so. For example, gay and feminist activism affecting education policy.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 12:11:43 PM
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the article was cleverly worded to avoid upsetting the PC Thought police.

phanto, sophies choice, plantagenet, Rhosty, onthebeach, well said, but surely the most important issue to discuss is the negative messages children receive from birth, from the Arts, Entertainment, Media & Education industries that tell children they may indeed be abnormal & needing surgery?
Posted by imacentristmoderate, Tuesday, 3 November 2015 12:47:33 PM
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