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A return to reason on family violence : Comments
By Percival Blake, published 1/10/2015This deviation represents an adherence by Rosie to the Duluth Model, a theory which states that domestic violence is committed by men for the purpose of power and control over women.
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Posted by Wolly B, Thursday, 1 October 2015 8:54:31 AM
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I'm slightly confused. You say there is a problem with the Duluth model but you decline to show evidence to support it. So, what? We are just meant to believe you because you say it's so?
That Greg Anderson suffered from a mental illness is not new news. In the spirit of providing information without a source (we have to believe the author of the piece because he says so, so I demand the same) men who commit violence against women report higher rates of patriarchal attitudes and adherence to gender norms. The majority do not have a diagnosable mental illness. To assert that is to do a grave disservice our already decimated violence against women community service sector. And even if mental health issues were the root of all men's violence against women there is still a huge need for services for those women who have been abused by current or past partners. And such services need to be able to take a much longer term approach than they currently do if those women aren't to end up in the mental health system themselves. Posted by Carz, Thursday, 1 October 2015 8:56:31 AM
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Carz, The Dultuh model is criticised because it's un-scientific, ideologically driven and the predominant aggressor theory is not backed by genuine statistics, it's based on the "patriarchal terror" interpretation of family violence. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 1 October 2015 10:05:08 AM
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The problem with the current debate on family violence is that people like Rosie Batty are given too much credence.
Ms. Batty is a victim of family violence. She has absolutely no qualifications on the subject, and her amateur opinions, aired publicly, bring nothing but emotional claptrap to the populus, which is entertain by such things. Her elevation to Australian of the Year - merely because she is a victim, like so many other victims of violence, has exacerbated the problem of empty rhetoric. She is deserving of our sympathy, and that's it. It is clear that the authorities could have prevented her husband, a monster, from killing the child he "loved" ( !), but they did not. Nor will they be able to put into operation the political 'feel-gooding' of about domestic violence, unfortunately Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 1 October 2015 11:12:29 AM
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facts always ignored
defactos are far more likely to belt partner than husbands people practicing homosexuality have much higher dv rates Indigenous men and woman commit far more dv than most the more we allow feminist and socialist to brainwash our kids the more tax payer money will be wasted on propaganda (usually the type the abc/regressives love). They are not interested in true morality just pushing their hopelessly flawed dogmas. Malcolm obviously needed to jump on the 'moral' bandwagon after his depicable backstabbing of Tony. Poor old Rose simply being used as a puppet. I feel sorry for her but unfortunately her conclusions are about as helpful as Tim Flannerys gw conclusions. Posted by runner, Thursday, 1 October 2015 11:42:44 AM
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ttbn, you have no 'qualifications' either, but yet you continue to give us the benefit of your 'expert' opinion, and so does Rosie Batty.
This article is a load of crock.....and no, not because I subscribe to any Dulith Model or whatever. I had never heard of this before today. This author seems to know the mental health history of all the DV perpetrators/murderers in our country! Is he suggesting ALL murderers are suffering from severe mental health disorders, or just the ones who kill their intimate partners or children? The Government might as well shut down half the maximum security jails and build maximum security mental health institutions instead then? I do agree that the mental health system in this country is very dysfunctional at present, and needs a serious overhaul, but you can ask any law enforcement person if they think all murderers are mad, and they will tell you there are many who are simply bad. Don't forget that our psychiatric and justice systems have to determine if a criminal deliberately planned and killed someone, or if they were of unsound mind at the time. I don't know what the answer to the DV problem in our society is, but I am not convinced that all perpetrators are insane.... Posted by Suseonline, Thursday, 1 October 2015 11:45:58 AM
Drug or alcohol
Involvement in the justice system
Previous History of aggression or violence
Mental Health
Resistance to treatment.
Since the vast majority of mental health hospitals have been closed, many past governments promised to put systems in place to support the mentally ill in the community. THIS NEVER HAPPENED!
The mental health system is now designed to fail the patient. Our prisons have become the defacto mental health institutions.