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The Forum > Article Comments > 'Hate speech' censorship: the reality > Comments

'Hate speech' censorship: the reality : Comments

By Laurence Maher, published 28/9/2015

'Hate speech' is no more than an ideological label used to dress up the latest manifestation of the ever-present human impulse to gag other human beings from expressing opinions which differ from the censors' approved opinions.

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This extremely long article could have stopped at the point where it's author pointed out that "hate speech" is the description of people used by others (usually the Left) when they want to gag opinions they disagree with. The Labor/Green gang, along with activist judges and lawyers engineered 18c to remove freedom of speech from the scene in Australia: mainly to protect the sensitivities of Muslims who, however, were still free to preach anti-Semitism, and to threaten all infidels. Tony Abbott promised to drop 18c before he was elected, but reneged after being elected due to his ignorance and fear of Islam. We are now stuck with a ban on free speech. Turnbull, who refuses to see any connection to terrorism and Islam, will continue to deny Australians free speech, and he is undoubtedly slavering at the thought of all the votes coming from his 12,000 Syrians and future "refugees" he will welcome.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 28 September 2015 11:17:27 AM
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ttbn, I'd go further and put forward the idea that "hate speech" is term used by the mercantile and managerial castes and their defenders and that the overall purpose of 18c is primarily to protect commercial interests.
Anti discrimination law in general is used to protect migrants and other potential beneficiaries of state funding and/or potential trainees for businesses, the fact that they may vote is a comfort to the managerial castes but in my opinion probably low down on the list of priorities.
The federal government facilitates immigration ie artificailly controls the labour market.
State governments fund education and training for migrants.
So called "Community groups", QUANGOS in other words deliver the training.
Businesses also support the QUANGOS and benefit from access to "job ready" migrants and the public relations benefits of what's perceived to be and promoted as philanthropy.
The anti discrimination laws are held as a "big stick" and "anti racist" activism is encouraged to protect and support these arrangements, see for example the attempts to suppress the anti Mosque/anti corruption protest movement in Bendigo.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 28 September 2015 11:44:57 AM
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What seems to be missed in these esoteric commentary is that what is
claimed to be "Hate Speech" may be the truth.

So by making Hate Speech illegal you may well be protecting evil.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 28 September 2015 1:59:59 PM
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Yes. I agree with what you say. Politicians or big business, it's all about them and not about the rest of us.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 28 September 2015 2:27:59 PM
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What would be the terrorism % be in all of Muslims in Australia.
I say some are pushed into acts of terrorism because of misunderstanding and racial abuse.

Why should there be hate speech in Australia. If there is any hate speech is coming from the Islamists they can be dealt with like anybody else, and the same with persons using hate speech aimed at Muslim members.

Terrorism can come from anybody at anytime, like persons shooting from moving cars lately.

Abbott was responsible for keeping terrorism alive, for his own benefit, in his belief, but it wore out it’s use by date. Just like him.

Since when did new arrivals in Australia get free passage to settle in with out a fight. It’s part of Australian culture to toughen up new arrivals. The Vietnamese copped it last time, until their mafia was weeded out.
Posted by doog, Monday, 28 September 2015 3:38:05 PM
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Doog, nobody is pushed into violence, you can be provoked into retaliation but Islamist violence is purely instrumental, it's calculated to cause fear and division.
There's no actual evidence that criticism and vulgar statements directed by individuals at larger groups is indicative of a criminal mentality on the part of the speaker, because that's all it boils down to, individuals vs groups.
I've participated in the UPF rallies in Melbourne and Bendigo and I discuss these issues all the time with other supporters on Facebook and what's evident is that the stereotypical "racist" loudmouth is just that, all talk and no action when it comes to politics. As soon as it became apparent that this movement was actually going somewhere and that there was work to be done the "Neo Nazis" and religious fanatics have melted away or been have exposed for what they really are, stooges of the Liberal party, cranks, losers and freaks who don't fit in with normal Australians.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 28 September 2015 4:51:29 PM
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