The Forum > Article Comments > Nous sommes tous Charlie: the value of satire > Comments
Nous sommes tous Charlie: the value of satire : Comments
By Stuart Rees, published 14/1/2015Following Charlie Hebdo's example means not being half hearted about freedom of speech. No holds barred irreverence may be problematic but self censorship can mean a blind eye to intolerance.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 12:11:06 PM
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'I believe satire is where sanity is found.' Really? Stuart (and this for Cathy W too), would you really have held a sign saying "Ichbinjuliusstreicher"? Would you really have held a sign saying "Iamlarryflynt"? Or would you hold a sign saying "gdayiamlarry pickering"? I think you are more decent than that. Whatever else it requires of us, it does not require that we give a free pass to satire just because it is satire. It doesn't require that we "salute" those who use satire to traduce the civil standing of others. And I think you are wrong to characterise perspectives like mine as simply "thin cultural skins" – and the kindest thing to be said about your suggestion that I and those like me on the left might have egged on bloodthirsty murders in some way ("I shudder a little when commentators who condemn cartoons in Charlie Hebdo seem unaware that their own cultural thin skins might have been interpreted by extremists as a cue to embark on violent revenge") is that is false and outrageous. Helen Pringle Posted by isabelberners, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 12:44:59 PM
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To "use satire to traduce the civil standing of others", and to then claim that this is worthy of protection under the right to freedom of speech, is so much more than disingenuous. It is simply wrong.
And Charlie Hedbo's latest cover, and by extension its entire editorial board, is beneath contempt. They clearly don't have the courage or honesty to take on the French Government for orchestrating the commando raid that killed their work mates, set up the two, now dead, young brothers and pave the way for a further enacting of extraordinary legal measures designed to erode the very civil liberties they claim to speak for. Posted by halduell, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 2:22:31 PM
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I agree with the sentiments in this article.
However, I note that the author’s precious article enthusiastically support the BDS campaign’s efforts to silence Israeli academics. A touch hypocritical, perhaps? Posted by Rhian, Wednesday, 14 January 2015 2:26:04 PM
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And in the context of the article, all we can truly say about the barking dog mad, is that they are barking dog mad!
And seriously, there's but one solution for that
The Irish reckon the cure for water on the brain, is a wee tap on the head.
As for those affected by the barking mad dog disease, daylight and ventilation, would be my preferred and first solution!
Lead poisoning can be quite dangerous, but particularly, when it's delivered right between the peepers, as small supersonic solids!
You all have a nice day now.