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Why political donations are vital for democracy : Comments
By Graham Young, published 18/9/2014Democracy guarantees us all the right to participate to the best of our ability. If our ability is making money, then it would be anti-democratic to stop us from contributing that.
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But our opinions diverge re your statement opposing "New South Wales' banning political donations from people involved in the property development, tobacco, liquor or gambling industries."
You go on to say "Criminals can donate, but not citizens in bona fide legal industries which are also huge contributors to state government coffers....."
Corporations (legally defined as 'persons') are unlike individual voters in that they donate much more than individuals and in return they expect (and receive) legislation favoring their commercial interests. The prime examples are repeal of the carbon and mining taxes. These repeals favour corporations but disadvantage the great majority of citizens. In my opinion this is tantamount to bribery by rich and powerful interests and that is a perversion of democracy.
I have been living in the US for several months and the majority progressives I speak to in New York all lament what corporate donations have done to pervert the political system (the Koch Brothers - billionaire fossil fuel magnates - are the most commonly mentioned). Corporations buy their ultra right wing Congressional representatives and State governors, particularly in the rural areas. Cities, where a great majority live are nearly all progressive hence we have President Obama.
Let's NOT go the way of the US. Let's have:
- Donations only from real persons not corporations.
- Maximum limit to donations from any person in any one year (say $3000).
- Immediate publicizing of donations (not 1 year later as it is now)
- No donations from currently convicted criminals (we agree there)
Yes that would mean my preferred party the Greens would not have got their $1m but so be it. A lot more 'bribery of candidates' from Liberal (corporate donations) and Labor (unions) would be prevented.
PS The fact that some corporate donors are huge contributors to state coffers can be seen as a further perversion of real democracy