The Forum > Article Comments > Piketty split - why soaking the rich won't help anyone > Comments
Piketty split - why soaking the rich won't help anyone : Comments
By Graham Young, published 7/7/2014It's not Joe Hockey's 'leaners' Australians need to fear, it's the new breed of economic 'levellers' who believe that to make an economy work better you just need to dial down levels of inequality.
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However, I tend to disagree with your remedy and his.
The wealthiest 1% now own as much wealth as the bottom 50%. A trend-line, that can't continue!
I can't see where either prescription has a lot going for it, expect a return to the failed economic conditions they created.
For every effect there is always a cause!
What we need is measure that trims out all the blood sucking parasites, who between them, suck the very life blood from the economy; and or, double the cost of everything!
The entirely unproductive money making enterprises, include too many examples than can be covered here.
We do need to return the seriously white anted pillars, that alone support the economy, to public ownership, on the patently proven grounds, its the least expensive/best economic model.
Other than that, we need reform which rewards endeavor and enterprise, not penalties.
We need huge tax reform that reduces our tax to say just 18% collected, as an impost on all expenditure, and as the revenue numbers increase, allow the rate to further reduce.
This would be just an initial 11% impost in real comparative terms, given what it gives back!
Direct funding models, and almost complete regional autonomy, would reduce the cost of most essential public service by 30%, which could be rolled out as vastly improved coalface expenditure!
Add the cheapest possible energy to the world's real lowest tax, and the world will be beating a path to our door, to set up high tech enterprise here, along with well cashed up self funded retirees, currently in the sights of European administrations.
One can make a case for equal opportunity!
And for removing the economic lead from the saddle bags of the disadvantaged; but never a case for true equality, given there's no such animal.