The Forum > Article Comments > Fail to plan, plan to fail: green innovation > Comments
Fail to plan, plan to fail: green innovation : Comments
By Eliza-Jane Stringer, published 5/6/2014I'm not saying climate policy is a free lunch, but it's a lunch worthwhile to buy.
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Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 5 June 2014 8:00:27 AM
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WE CORRECT LIES/SHE COMES BACK LYING SOME MORE quote..<<>.As our nation's leaders squabble>> if its was indisputable..there would be no debate but..ITS JUST CREATIVE ACCOUNTING..and agenda-rule/by fearmongering. what really peeves the cure is tax us..[great business model] <<>.Yes, investing in a transition>> im not investing im paying for your freelunch as the enron cash grab goes global..[the polution of your aburd criminaly treasonous/plus its not its lies upon lies <<..on..initial estimates,>> >>and not nearly as high as the future costs>> yeah we get that/its \going to cost us more/more/more[for ever more <<..caused by delaying the introduction of carbon reducing policies>> if only we had listened to wise leaders not ignorant children and enron-advizers to get a new business model based on doubluing the price of cheap power/to set up scams that give huge users[abusers]..carbon credits.. [its criminal treason/if your getting advantage girly..its insider trading...BUT THE PLAN-MAKER SHOULD BE IN JAIL/ BUT HERE IS WHERE YOUR MASTERS..began their crimes..[enron evidence was in building 7..nice get out of jail free card eh!/~/product/category=5653200&id=36978064 here is how the scum[your masters]..lord it over the ignorant dumbed down..children..[usefull*idiots=u] THIS IS HOW..THEY THINK OF YOU..ONCE YA STOP BEING 'CUTE' [READ stop being..the USEFUL/IDIOT$$] Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 June 2014 8:38:09 AM
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Here is an idea Eliza. This will cost serious money so what about starting with the UN? No extravagent life pensions, cut them all in half. This is an emergency so lets cut all the salaries too. That is just the start. Green taxes on Greens so you can pay for your ideas. This is an emergency so you will not mind paying surely?
Posted by JBowyer, Thursday, 5 June 2014 8:51:17 AM
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Solve the problem. Stop putting band aids on the situation.
Too many people. Anything else is a waste of time. As any thinking person knows find the cause and treat that. Not just the symptoms. Maybe Hanrahan was correct........... Fail to plan is correct. Certainly with respect to population growth. Posted by ateday, Thursday, 5 June 2014 8:59:22 AM
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There's money to be made with green innovation.
Starting with, cheaper than coal thorium. Thorium power located adjacent, to industrial estates, will provide power, for less than half that of, trimmed of all fat, coal fired power! Why would we want that, or the fact, there'd be virtually no costly transmission lines to repair and maintain, preferably before they start raging, black Sunday, killer bush fires! Let's argue against that, there's just too much common sense, and profits! So rack off Eliza-Jane! During the height of the worst drought in living memory, the only thing thriving in the Murray/Darling was blue green algae. Some algae are up to 60% oil, and produce virtually ready to use as is, diesel or jet fuel! They absorb as much as 2.5 times their body-weight Co2 emission; and, under optimized circumstances, double that oil producing Co2 absorption capacity every 24 hours! Scales of economy, would allow these endlessly sustainable alternative products to be retailed for around 44 cents a litre! Hell, if we cracked on with that, the oil cartels could be put out of business, and we simply can't have that can we? I mean, we must keep harming our own economy, by sourcing at least 91% of our oil requirements offshore, at a cost of 26+ billions PA, almost as much as we spend on pensions PA. And somebody is going to find some blind Freddy reason, not to turn our own biological waste into enough power to power our homes and or cities; and given the 80% energy coefficient of the ceramic fuel cell, for four times less, than the wholesale price of coal-fired electricity! And who in their right mind, would want energy dependent industry returning to these shores and creating hundreds of thousands of new highly rewarded jobs, when stone age cave dwelling beckons? Failing that, we could wait until sea levels have risen three metres, (oh goody) and then complain! Why didn't someone see this coming, and offer an alternate plan that could, [even now,] have avoided just such a scenario! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 5 June 2014 10:32:03 AM
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Eliza, you ask what should be done.
In view of the fact that global warming stopped 17 years ago, despite the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, should we not look at who is feeding us pseudoscience?There is no science supporting an assertion that human emissions have any measurable effect on climate. We need a Royal Commission into the origin and sustenance of the AGW fraud, followed by legislation and action to bring the perpetrators to account. We need immediate publicising of the fact that there is no science to support the proposition that human emissions have any measurable effect on climate. If you know of any such science you did not disclose it in your article, which is based on assumed nonsense. Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 5 June 2014 1:08:01 PM
No mention of population. This has got everything to do with carbon emissions, especially in Australia where our population growth rate is very high, and where neither government looks likely to do anything about it, except perhaps to raise the immigration rate to an even higher level!
Even if we are as about as successful as we could possibly be in developing green technologies and reducing per-capita carbon emissions, we will achieve NOTHING if the population continues to grow at anything like its current rate.
If we manage to reduce per-capita emissions by an amazing 50% and the population doubles, then we will have achieved nothing.
Reducing our population growth rate and heading towards a stable population is surely a fundamental part of any real plan to tackle climate change…. and to achieve a sustainable society.
Australia should be right on top of this particular point. We should be listening to long-standing Labor MP Kelvin Thomson and heeding Julia Gillard’s “a sustainable Australia not a big Australia” comments. What a crying shame it is that Labor can’t see fit to move in this direction. I’m sure they’d win massive support from the ordinary voters out there at the next election if they did.
Reducing population growth is a very easy thing to do in this country. All we need to do is lower immigration to net zero and the rest will take care of itself.
If we don’t do this, then quite frankly we are being entirely disingenuous with all other supposed attempts to tackle climate change.
And of course we should be doing what we can to tackle this issue on the global scale. But we can hardly do that in a non-duplicitous manner until we are seriously tackling it at home.