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Informal supports: how, when, what you can offer : Comments

By Fran Vicary, published 20/5/2014

People with disabilities and organisations in the disability sector really need to get better at helping the general public to know that they can assist those with disabilities.

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This is a moving and important article. If I am an example, members of the public often hold back because they don't want to seem to be invading someone else's privacy, or because they think that the person may want to be practising their independence. We do need to know when an offer of help would be appreciated and when it would be seen as rude, intrusive, patronising or bossy.
Posted by Jane Grey, Tuesday, 20 May 2014 10:11:36 AM
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its rather i disadvantaged
but im my biggest handicap..[i hate putting up/with others peoples ccc rap.]

but that said who do you complain too
big men dont cry..i refuse the docters medications/and keep my own council/not by choice\but because govt declared war repeatedly..on me.

i was a biker/riding wild and free
till my own govt came after me..the 12 %..wannabe
well next the govt masters declared that drug war to criminalise kids
and was the war agaibnst smokers..but thats the good times.

then a dentist modified my perfect tooth..into smokers teeth
by gouging out the enamal on the gum line..but that aint my problem

see spers has a lien[govt put a lien..on my family house
but more spers cancelled my licence/till i pay..cabcelled mt car rego[so lots more money from unpaid fines come their way

see fines is revenue raising/by any other name..its called minting coin/and thats a thing state govts cant do/but thats not my problem

my problem is my govt
by what right did it declare ongoing wars..on me?

retorical question..might makes right
every govt worker gets stockholms diss-ease..

its time to begin again/make govt like a mothers love
that makes sure her kids gets respected loved/learning and amusments ..sensable clothing and a safe bed.

its absurd..we create our own money
then need's intrest/fees...service charges/commisions..too.

all govt revenue raising is state govt..'minting coin'.
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 20 May 2014 7:10:10 PM
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many/of called..disabilities/are wrongly classified/as some sirt=of religious mania[hearing voicves/thinking ya the messiah[so this relates,,joins/a few\ theory.

In recent months,..Ultra-Orthodox and right wing Jews were screaming murder,..mentioning the Sergei an antecedent...[amoung/'pro-jects]..

Sergei Court,,is the nickname of the Heleni HaMalka 13, in downtown Jerusalem...It was named after Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich,..son of Czar Alexander II..and brother of Alexander III.

The building was 1890..for the joy of pilgrims Russian aristocracy...Over time it was occupied by Israel,..which placed in it..the Ministry of Agriculture...

On March 23,2011,..PM Netanyahu was scheduled to visit Moscow.
48 Hours..before leaving Israel,..the Russian government announced that the visit is cancelled..unless Israel returns the Sergei Court. Within 24 hours,..the Ministry was evacuated..(See Selling King David's Tomb).

A campaign is Israeli right..claiming that a similar planned with the Cenacle..and King David's Tomb..*below it.

"Final Agreement..Needs to be Signed"

The visit..of the the place is significant..because it includes..a mass..[last-supper/mass]..despite not of the allowed prayer days...Moreover,..Israeli officials..have acknowledged that an ready.

[clearly/some..could\ prevent/this][and set-up/arabs/russians/chinese] take../the\fall...for/red/flag[black-flag-event]..[using/..say..a mal-asian/plain.]

Speaking for the Latin Patriarchate,..David Noihouse acknowledged that Christians..want an agreement regularizing prayer the Cenacle.*"This is a central place..[last-upper/place]..for Christians worldwide,..and right is possible to pray there only with special permits.

In certain sense,..the Church was born there,* is the most natural thing..for Christians to want to visit and pray mother mary fatima.

Hanna Bandekobsky..(English spelling may vary) the Director of the Program..for Jewish-Christian Relations of the Jerusalem Center. On May 20,..ahead of the visit,..she gave an interview to Yediot Ahronot.

She said,.."Now there is a final agreement..that needs to be signed; it includes many details...As part of it.. the Catholics tried to introduced prayer rights in the room,..but the details have not yet been published."

Right wing activists were stopped..from visiting the the police...The latter told the intruders.."It is a church up there"..[while secretly filmed.]

The video..was uploaded to the internet..and is now a source of Jewish religious hysteria;..*"King David's Tomb..*will be given to the Vatican,"..they say in a variety of ways,..

despite..the event..being
they only..'share'..a..common entrance../doorway\..[wink/wink\nudge.]

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 21 May 2014 7:46:22 AM
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fran..not much/by-way..of replies..
so lets quote/you..<<..As a woman..>>..thats..interesting..[we have heard/how average/women..cop..abuses/one as helpless as those words..indicte..must have some extra dangers[and being womans/business..should only be spoken..of in womans circles.

as to the general..stuff[re eating/dressing]..<<..who cannot dress or feed herself,..>>..that also/indicates..many/other issues/with degrees of difficulty

<<..I have explored..the boundaries\..>>
we each have go areas/sensitivities]...<<..of what it’s ok to ask strangers,..>>

other/sex..or even same sex/or persona[is there a certain get left out..<<..aka the general public, to assist with and things..that would be just pushing the limits too far.>> much public eating/rates mention/and handing creditcards/to strangers..anyhow..

.<<..The basic guide..I use is anything simple,..that [it]..doesn’t take too long..and doesn’t involve..any kind of personal*[support] or bodily function..>..

yes/a friend..asked me to spray..his privates..with lice spray
it was at the time a huge..thing..but i asked/him to open his fly/and i sprayed arround a there] felt a huge impossision/at the time..yet now i see his overgrown nails..aqnd mentally clip them/for him..[its that touching..of other/that feels an imposotion/but that should be easier/to get help/but no-0ne really cares/unless they really care.

you/must.have asistance..typing..[right]
how much assisted?

<<.…Which is why I was somewhat surprised
when the person in the food court offered to feed me.>>

yes/the kindness,,of the highest form/of karma.
those who/like you..need intensive assistance/are specially chosen.

words is the best i can offer
and still i come accross as insane,..i wonder..if male..or female/has it a male..i know..i would rather die than ask anyone..for 'help'...somehow..a woman..[except for trust issues] i couldnt do too weak..[but we each need be the cliche we are/to evolve the next stage

i have seen..the prefect/being..within..some..twisted/bodies
the not to allow..the secumb/to the outer reality/one gets thrust into[for reason/that only becomes clear/serving any way you can]..but who the server/who the only got a busted body..[in spirit/you will be made perfect..i got a busted heart-,mind..that twists the form/of my next lifes soul/body..[just as previous/unresolved.issues..carry karma..into these realms

recall/the reason/
and thy faith..has made you will.

a champian..because..their practice/made perfect.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 22 May 2014 11:18:54 AM
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