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The Forum > Article Comments > ICAC: purpose without follow through > Comments

ICAC: purpose without follow through : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 15/5/2014

What is the purpose of the Independent Commission Against Corruption? A legal oddity, a body with considerable stretch and power on the one hand, without the prosecutorial bite that could be expected

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I think the ICAC's role must remain as the gather of incriminating evidence.
I don't think they are implicated in reducing the political class to residual muck, they simply needed no extra help achieving that outcome!
If ICAC is to be effective, honest politicians must come to the fore, and oblige the courts to prosecute the guilty, to the full extent of the law!
Rather than try to whitewash or justify odious behavior, with this or that lame brain excuse.
Corrupt politicians should be treated no different than drug peddlers, with their ill gotten gains and properties seized, even those thought to have been made safe by transferring to a rallie or a spouse.
And deprived of influencing wealth, asked to serves some really punitive jail time, as an example, that will give others cause to pause and time to consider, whether the possible pain is worth the gain!?
And if ICAC or its other state or Federal equivalents, had the power to hand out substantial rewards for information that led to convictions!
The corrupt class could be completely eliminated from the political scene!
And wouldn't that be a very pleasant change from the current filth expose!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 15 May 2014 12:26:40 PM
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What is coming next, you ask.

The commission of enquiry into unions.
Watch that muck Bimoy. It will be stuck to the labor party and it's leaders as barnacles to the asse of an ancient hulk.

Lol then hear the complicit silence of commentators like you and the leftie media.Just as you all ran silent on Icac when the Obeids and their labor cronies were on display. There will be nothing in the Commission of enquiry for you to share and attempt tp smear with Tony and his mates.
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 15 May 2014 4:33:51 PM
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Hey Bimoy

your silence on the Pink Batts enquiry which involved industrial manslaughter of Australian kids is deafening.

Don't they count in your book?
Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 15 May 2014 6:04:59 PM
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What planet do you live on? The Obeid scandal was front and centre of the media and continues to resonate. Take of your ideologial goggles and you will see that the Obeids and their cronies are from both the the left and the right and all of them inhabit the political sewer.
Posted by Candide, Friday, 16 May 2014 9:29:55 AM
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