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How we invented freedom and why it matters : Comments
By Chris Golis, published 13/3/2014The Norman Conquest in 1066 is portrayed by Hannan as a disaster with the dismantlement at the national level of much of the Anglo-Saxon freedoms and the country becoming subject to European Feudalism.
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A revealing illustration of telling only half the truth. The Norman Conquest brought gothic architecture- English cathedrals are one of the most magnificent of human achievements (even if dedicated to the glory of God).
Posted by Leslie, Thursday, 13 March 2014 11:30:36 AM
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Whatever happened prior to the second half of the last century is more or less irrelevant to anything that human beings have to contend with in the now intstantaneously inter-connected globalized QUANTUM world of the "21st century". And besides which what is now being dramatized on to the world stage by human beings is the result of a vast pattern patterning created by humankind altogether in all times and places, stretching back for several millennia.
A karmicallly created pattern patterning which has an almost unstoppable momentum behind it, of which we are completely unconscious. Furthermore the law of karma is almost immutable. We all sow and thus reap our individual and collective "just desserts". We are little more than little stick figures running around on the tip of an iceberg pretending that we are the masters of our individual and collective actions and fate. Freedom is of course very important. But what kind of "freedom" does the The Heritage (lies, lies and more lies) Foundation really promote? A good clue could perhaps be provided by the infamous 1994 Contract With America that Newt Gingrich planned to impose on every aspect of USA politics and culture. A blue-print for the "renewal" of the collective USA body politic, with Newt as the "great helmsman". It was of course drafted by the propaganda hacks at the Heritage Foundation. It was of course shot down in flames in very quick time. And thank "God" for that. Meanwhile these two related references give a much deeper understanding of both freedom and the tempo of the times. Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 13 March 2014 11:42:55 AM
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If only there were more people willing to speak out in support of the distinct nature of the "Anglosphere", instead of trying to turn us into a fabricated "diversity" theme park.
"economics is and should be the primary driver in politics" So why did we import over a million immigrants during the worst economy since the Great Depression? Our "leaders" have really lost the plot. Posted by Shockadelic, Thursday, 13 March 2014 7:01:14 PM
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I like the fact that for once the Anglo-culture and institutions developed in those societies is being portrayed positively since England and its colonial nations (US, Aus etc.) are specially important to European and world history in political, economic and scientific, legal and ethical developments.
However it must be realized that all the northern Germanic tribes of Europe (including the Anglo and Celtic peoples) did develop more freedoms and liberties compared with their southern European cousins, England for whatever reason was the stage of all this culmination and of all the prior earlier southern European events culminations (Greece, Rome etc.)for what eventually was the Industrial Revolution in England and also0 the Liberal developing English Civil War etc. The developments made by the Anglos and all Europeans should never be ignored but must always be re-taught as to their significance. Furthermore and of even more pressing and current importance is that when dealing with the rest of the non-European descended world regarding rights, freedoms, equality, science, living standards and political free expression. In this regard the west and not just Anglo-sphere should NOT shy from speaking truth about moral judgements such as what is right and wrong in terms of what affects individual and political freedoms and equalities of all. This means the west needs to realize that tribal cultures who think in terms of their genetic group and identity will always have issues with accepting another cultures/people's ways and ideas as being better than their own since tribalism perpetuates Racism. But if we explain to our own people and then to the world that no people or place owns development of any kind, no more than the first tribe to make fire eternally owns fire as theirs. Political and legal ideas of freedom and also science are the domain of all people. Because most people (including most of the west too) wrongly connects genetics and place of origin essentially to the things developed by that culture this is causing the rebel actions of the world to the west, hindering change and freedoms being developed. Posted by Jottiikii, Saturday, 15 March 2014 6:07:42 PM
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Jottiikii, you are doing what many Westerners do.
Pretending that *our* values and principles are universal. We developed those ideas because of who and what we are as a "people". The Northern Europeans developed those ideas because they were the *only* people who could. This univeralising of Western ideas plays hand in hand with the "colourisation" of the West. If White people have no special significance, then it doesn't matter whether London, Oslo and Sydney are filled with Whites or any other people. Somehow, without White people, the whole liberty/prosperity/equality/etc society will just keep chugging along nicely. Wrong. Without Whites, those values and principles die with us. And we turn into just another Third World slum. We may not ever be able to pinpoint exactly what it is or was about us that led to these developments, but it was Whites who built this civilisation, and only we can keep it going. Posted by Shockadelic, Sunday, 16 March 2014 4:09:46 PM
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The 'no taxation without representation' principle upon which the American Revolution turned, has not changed for the Poms to this day and it certainly has never existed for us skips.
The Anglo-Saxons may have had a system of local moots that offered the folk thereabouts to have input into the ear of the King's representative but it didn't make it a democracy or even guarantee that action resulted, it has never been a democracy and is unlikely to ever occur. Since Magna Carta our rights via common laws have constantly been eroded via statutes through the parliaments and the constitutions at state and federal levels ensures we hoi poli are controlled. I haven't read Daniel Hannan's book you refer to (i.e. How We Invented Freedom & Why It Matters) but I will make an effort to track it down and correct this remission. Posted by deadly, Monday, 17 March 2014 4:46:21 PM