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Truth is the first victim of war : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 28/1/2014

The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott and the Minister for Immigration, Scott Morrison, have taken Australia down a path from which there are only two outcomes, further aggression and confrontation with Indonesia or retreat.

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Indonesia is having an election shortly. Thus all the chest beating from them. Far from wrecking our relationship with the Indos, Mr Abbot et al are firmly cementing our place in the southern hemisphere.
Why do so many commentators get so antsy about our incursions into Indonesian waters but don't give a toss about Indonesian incursions in to our own? Don't we have a right to enforce our own soverignty?

If the writer is so concerned about inflaming our neighbours, why suggest that Wee Willy Shorten and Ms Pliber..whatever visit? Surely that would be asking for trouble.
Posted by Sparkyq, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 9:58:31 AM
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Haig: Retreat would amount to a domestic political defeat for Abbott and Morrison but lead to an improvement in relations Indonesia.

Would it. Bruce Haig obviously knows nothing about negotiating with our Asian neighbours. Haggling & bargaining for the best price is their stock & trade. In Asia there are 3 prices, Local, (cheap), foreigners living there, (bit better price than cheap) & Tourist price (dear). If you don't haggle when you buy something the local people have NO respect for you at all. So it is with our negotiations with Indonesia. Would a retreat improve relations.? NO.

Haig: Further aggression would continue to undermine the relationship with Indonesia and might spread into the region.

No it wouldn't. It would improve relations.

Haig: The diplomatic subtleties and nuances required to maintain and build that relationship have been sacrificed to his flawed domestic agenda of turning back the boats.

Flawed domestic agenda? Shows an obvious Green/ALP Bias.

Haig: The Indonesians are right to question the honesty of Morrison’s response to claims that Australian naval vessels breached their maritime boundary.

Up until the recent kerfuffle over the ALP's spying, Indonesia has said nothing about regular incursions. In fact the Navy had Indonesia blessing. All part of haggling process.

Haig: The aggression behind his defence gave an impression that he might have issued the orders.

Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 10:14:46 AM
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Haig: It is his head that pops up in the media to defend the less salubrious aspects of the illegal operation being run against asylum seekers, when they become public knowledge in Australia from Indonesian sources.
Illegal Operations? Please explain. If you mean burning the hand of unauthorized entrants then you have presumed our sailors are guilty. not very Australian. Still something I would expect of a Green.

Haigh: Campbell appears to have been put in the position to give Defence Force legitimacy to a crass political undertaking.

Yes, unfortunately that is possibly so, but not in the way you have intimated. I remember when Politicians visited our Unit in the Army, certain select personnel were given specific questions to ask. No one else was even allowed to talk to the Minister. This was to stop embarrassing questions being asked by lowly Privates.

Haig: Morrison sought, in the crudest of terms, to demonise asylum seekers.

No, not Asylum Seekers. People who wish to enter the country by means other than the recognizes means.

Haigh: It is not as if the Navy and the ADF have a perfect record, etc.

An attempt to justify your position. I supprised that you didn't bring up how the Navy used to Keel haul sailors once.

Haigh: He (Abbott) has also said that he would accept the word of an Australian sailor over that of a person who sought to enter Australia illegally (he was referring to asylum seekers).

As would anyone in their right mind. These people would say anything. Possibly even coached by People Smugglers & Green/Islamic sympathizers.

Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 10:15:32 AM
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Hey Bruce

Still peddling the anti liberal line as usual.

Why can't your assessments include truth.

The indos refused to help any Australian Govt stop the boats.
We changed our govt to regain sovergnity of our borders.
The indos object to the new policy.
The indos refuse to help stop the boats.

The indos become enraged over phone tapping, by the Rudd govt. Btw You wrote nothng to defend the liberals then even tho.ugh it was warranted.
The indos withdraw from cooperating on border protection and proclaim Aust govt wkn't be able to stop the boats.

The Australian govt turn boats around and they stop arriving in Australia despite the Indonesians bleating.
The Australian Govt makes the Indos appear impotent.
The Australian navy intrude into indo waters.
The indos go into another frenzy of impotence and say they will send their boats to stop our boats from returning their boats.

The indos look really silly and retailate by supporting ratbags claims our navy personnel hurt them.

Laughable that you put so much emphasis on thee fool indos and idiot asylum liars
Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 10:15:49 AM
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Indonesia would genuinely welcome good relations with Australia,

Yes they would if we negotiated only on their terms. E.g., More Aid, take more Supposed refugees of their hands, more Bribes to their Politicians. On the other hand if we bargain & haggle in the manner they are used to doing business then they will have respect for Australia. At present we are considered as fool Tourists, paying the higher price.

They might begin by addressing the issue of the joint processing of refugees.

Australia's position is that these people must be handled by the Indonesians. I presume they had papers when they arrived in Indonesia. If they didn't then Indonesia must return then from whence they came. If they did have papers, where did their papers go if they claim they don't have any? Destroying their papers is a criminal act. Purposely placing themselves, wives & children in Harm's way is a criminal act. Are they really refugees. Not according to the UNCHR Convention & Protocol. See Article 31 (1) Note; Coming directly. (Interpretation.; crossing from a place of danger to the first country of safe refuge.) Crossing multiple Boarders to find the best deal makes them Economic Refugees. Economic refugees are not covered by this Convention.

I must say that this article is Green/ALP Biased to the extreme & not really worth wiping..., well you know what I mean. I hold no affiliation with any Party in any manner what-so-ever.
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 10:16:12 AM
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there is no justification for torture under any circumstances whatsoever, full stop, and if anyone believes there is, he/she should examine their conscience seriously.
Posted by SHRODE, Tuesday, 28 January 2014 10:41:32 AM
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