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Billions in international donor funds allegedly go missing in Palestine : Comments

By David Singer, published 22/10/2013

EU investigators who visited sites in Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank noted 'significant shortcomings' in the management of funds sent to Gaza and the West Bank.

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I wonder who audits the billions of US tax payers dollars paid to Israel each year.

"According to the Congressional Research Service , the amount of official US aid to Israel since its founding in 1948 tops $115 billion, and in the past few decades it has been on the order of $3 billion per year.[6] (In 2013, for example, this amounted to over $8.5 million every single day.)"
Posted by MEH, Tuesday, 22 October 2013 10:20:18 AM
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Talk about a dog returning to its vomit!

Singer, the Palestinians had a vote and elected Hamas, remember? Israel and the U.S. didn't want this so they fawned all over traitor Abbas and his PLO Henchmen and split the Palestinians to more easily steal their land in the West Bank.

And now you appear again on this Forum to sow more evil seeds to further divide and conquer.

You disgust me, Singer, with your sly tactics just as what your people are doing to the Palestinians every day disgust me.

I just hope that I live to see the day when Israel reaps the sick harvest it has sown. In spades.
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 22 October 2013 11:06:22 AM
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Mr Singer writes: “ the PLO and Hamas continue to deny West Bank and Gazan Arabs the right to vote on who should govern them”

The cynicism of these words fully bears out every word that David G has written in the post above. The West Bank and Gazan Arabs have no more say over who should govern them than gaol inmates have over who should run the prison. Who governs their trade? Who governs movement within, into and out of the Bantustans? Who governs their foreign affairs? Who governs their defence forces? Who governs their border security – (see [1])?

The only just line for a border between Israel and Palestine is the Mediterranean coast. The Zionists have long since amply demonstrated by their own pariah behaviour that no race on earth has the right to call itself a “nationality” and appropriate other people’s land as its sole preserve. Not Jewish, not Celtic, not “Aryan”, not anything. That’s why the Zionists have been pestering the world and embarrassing Jews for 66 years trying to get their racist grab accepted as righteous.

Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 22 October 2013 4:35:09 PM
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Why the western world is giving so much money to the people who hijack their aircraft, commit acts of terrorism within their borders, and kill Olympians at the Olympic Games, is beyond me. Perhaps it is a form of Danegeld, you know, we will pay you off to leave us alone?

Whatever, the best thing about this is the fact that without foreign aid, Gaza (or Palestine")is not a viable state. It can not exist without foreign sponsors. The solution to me is, for western countries to stop financing their enemies and let this place collapse under the weight of its own corruption and religious stupidity. The "Palestinians" can then go and live in Egypt or some other Muslim cesspit land, and the Israelis can take the place over and use their genius to make the place a viable concern like they have done in Israel.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 3:59:37 AM
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To #MEH, # David G, #Emperor Julian

You all exhibit a common thoughtline - a refusal to discuss the alleged disappearance of billions of dollars in international donor funds delivered to Hamas and the PLO in an as yet unpublished report of the European Council of Auditors.

West Bank and Gazan Arabs must be getting very angry that their leaders continue to hang onto power at least four years after the expiry of their use by date – with billions of dollars meant to be applied for the welfare of the man in the street disappearing down the likes of that enormous recently discovered terrorist tunnel running from Gaza into Israel

How many houses could have been built with the concrete used in that tunnel and the number of man hours taken to excavate it? How much money was used to acquire those 12000 missiles indiscriminately fired into Israeli civilian population centres?

If you lived in Gaza and were told that no house could be built for you – and then found out about this tunnel – how would you feel? If you are told billions have been skimmed from international donor funds meant to be used for your welfare – would you sit back and cop it sweet?

Meantime Abbas, Haniyeh and Co would be falling off their seats laughing at your puerile responses - which could only encourage them to continue as they have since they came to power in 2006 - stubbornly refusing to face those they rule to allow them to express whether they are happy with the political path their leaders have taken them down - whilst the same leaders have been economically taking them down at the same time.

"Give the Gaza and West Bank Arabs a say in their future" should now be the universal catch cry.

Transparency International certainly thinks so.

If the voters freely choose the same leadership after seven years in the political wilderness so be it. They then will have to live with the consequences of that decision. At least they will have had their say.

Do you agree?
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 9:03:43 AM
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To Mr Singer

If the Prisoners' Committee has been knocking off the prisoners' pocket money.


Then the gaolers can unlock the gates, get their snouts out of the prison and the land it stands on, and leave it to the prisoners and their relatives to sort out the problem, with the help if necessary of honest legal authorities from the outside world who had no part in the theft of the land and the imprisonment of its inhabitants.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 23 October 2013 11:21:08 AM
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