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Suicide rates go up under conservative governments : Comments

By Lyn Bender, published 24/9/2013

Not only has this been linked recently in the US to austerity measures but also to Australian and British statistics on suicide.

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The arguments used here are simplistic and flawed. I can accept that unemployment and tough economic times result in financial stress on individuals and that this can lead to depression and suicide. To blame this on incoming conservative governments is simply drawing too long a bow.

The UK and Greece are two prominent examples presented in the article. In both of these cases recession was the inevitable result of years of over-spending and bloating of the public sector (especially in the case of Greece). The recession came about when the inevitable belt-tightening occurred with the electorate dumping the guilty administration. While austerity was associated with incoming more responsible/conservative administrations, ultimate fault lies with previous governmentss. Things would have been only more painful if nothing was done.

That said, I believe that austerity in Europe is made worse by the Euro. Countries like Greece desperately need a currency devaluation to make their economies competitive in a hurry. Staying within the Euro zone forces adjustment to occur via slow and very painful means, like cuts in wages, public services and pensions.
Posted by Bren, Tuesday, 24 September 2013 9:39:37 AM
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Lyn, thanks for another fine article. Your caring is clear and your condemnation of the capitalist system is welcome.

I agree with you that dealing with human and social problems all the time is debilitating and humans can only handle it for just so long before the cracks begin to appear.

I too would like to live in a world where greed was a dirty word and war was banned completely and all weapons were destroyed.

Plundering is for barbarians, not for civilized, caring, thinking people!
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 24 September 2013 10:06:58 AM
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one could easily argue that the suicide rate increases as more people receive degrees in psychology. What an idiotic article.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 24 September 2013 10:53:40 AM
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The "Suicide rates go up under conservative governments" screams the headline. Pray tell Lyn, is that a statistic found since this conservative government was sworn in just a few days ago, or is it just a feeling in your water, which you thought sounded good?

Yes Runner, this lady is a perfect example of why arithmetic, [not real math, but at least arithmetic] should be included in all phycology courses. With a little understanding of arithmetic, even this lady should be able to come out of her dream world, & join the workers in the real world. She just might understand that all the money she wants to throw around, must first be earned by someone working in the private sector.

"What will happen to the twelve thousand public servants Abbott has threatened to sack, as though hitherto they have been a useless drain on the budget? As though their lives, families, careers and well being were of no account" says Lyn as her cup of compassion runneth over. Never a thought for the tens of thousands of real workers in the private sector struggling under the huge tax burden required to pay those highly over paid bureaucrats.

If the lady had a bit of arithmetic, & some real compassion, she would be calling for another fifty thousand to be pushed out the doors of Canberra offices, never to return. But don't hold your breath, unless you are a bureaucrat, or have attempted unsuccessfully to slash your wrists, you are nothing but a semi invisible cash cow to people like Lyn.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 24 September 2013 11:38:31 AM
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You may as well argue that increased suicide rates and the election of conservative governments are both caused by the inevitable failure of leftist policies.

This figure from the World Health Organisation shows a rise in suicides in Russsia after the fall of Communism -- only to be expected in turbulent times -- followed by a fall back to roughly the same levels that prevailed in the Soviet era. It has apparently declined further since 2006. That certainly doesn't support the theory of a socialistic Golden Age.
Posted by Jon J, Tuesday, 24 September 2013 12:12:29 PM
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Well one can argue or rant against the raw numbers, and the fact they always seem to rise under Conservative Govts, but the raw data does not lie!
And all so unnecessary!
The problem for Conservative Govts is, they are no longer the Christian progressives, who ended slavery or child labour.
They were the progressives who didn't leave the social conscience at the door, when they entered politics?
And those with the courage of GENUINE Christian conviction didn't mince words, or make endless non-core promises just to retain or win power!
And all so unnecessary, if they would just put back on the cloak of the progressive conservatives?
Instead of cutting essential social programs, perhaps they could simply means test them!
Is the age of entitlement really over, or just rerouted away from genuine need and back onto greed!?
If they need to cut the cloth to suit the budget, means testing would at least be fair, and whats more, seen to be fair!
They could also consider tax reform, to end the unconscionable avoidance by some so called religions or the obscenely wealthy.
They really have no other choice, than to embrace genuine tax reform and massive simplification, as they and the other side contemplate the destiny of demography!
We simply cannot keep cutting essential social spending.
Perhaps they could use the brains they were born with and trade away unfair dismissals for a much more generous job start?
Which on its own, might just deal with some of the misery and hopelessness, that seems to so mark depression as the harbinger of an increased suicide rate?
Perhaps if preventable suicide could be seen as a form of compulsory euthanasia, (cause and effect) the conservatives might just begin to see how THEIR policies of culpable neglect, were affecting our most vulnerable! Jawol?
Jesus said, inasmuch as you do unto the least amongst you, you also do unto me!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 24 September 2013 12:23:42 PM
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