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How Obama lost the first battle for Damascus : Comments
By Dave Smith, published 18/9/2013Personally I don't believe Mr Obama gives a tinker's cuss about the morality of his latest war, any more than he does about Assad's guilt or any apparent use of chemical weapons!
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However, not one of them is going to kill you hiding in your cellar/bomb shelter. They will however harm you, if you are active in the field.
Nerve gas is completely different.
Just a few droplets on your skin and you're condemned. And no it's not a comparatively quick death but all too often a long drawn out decline, where your fear raked body struggles more and more mightily to breathe.
And those who used it against unarmed women and children knew exactly how to maximize the kill and the propaganda, that surely follows.
Agent orange is a particularly effective defoliant; Napalm a particularly effective accelerant, which together cleared vast tracts of tropical forest, and denied the enemy safe ground from which to mount largely covert operations.
Depleted uranium adds to the effectiveness of Armour piecing rounds.
And all justifiable in any conventional war, that follows the rules of war!
That said, if only we humans could set aside our supposed differences, or traditional enmity, and just learn to live in peace. Resolving any difference out on the footy field or boxing ring!
President Obama can't win!
If he doesn't go in, Al Qiada and others will replace the west, and help defeat Assad.
Their only real goal, to replace Assad with something even worse and gain a foothold and comparatively safe sanctuary from which to operate, all while crowing, where were the Americans in your darkest hour?
This is not something we can allow, but need to act, even while denying we are doing so.
We could ask the Israelis to act for us all while protecting their backs.
What is required is a quick air campaign to remove Assad's air power. Followed by a another two or three day operation to take out Assad's Armour.
The people need light arms only. They can do plenty of damage with just those, particularly after Assad is removed!