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Abbott as PM may surprise everyone : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 10/9/2013

Although Abbott has been in public life for almost 20 years, he is still a paradoxical mystery.

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Abbott went to the election with no policies beyond slashing aid and torturing refugees.

His first act is to sack Steve Bracks, as if that will help one thing.

He is now and will remain a small minded, narrow minded bigoted racist.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Tuesday, 10 September 2013 11:43:17 AM
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Gee Marilyn, was your morning lemon particularly sour today?

I'd offer you some sugar for it, but I've heard some pills can't be sugar coated, so I guess it wouldn't help you.

Go Tony, start getting us back on course, but don't expect anything good from the sour brigade. Those like Marilyn would still hate you, even if you brought in a hundred thousand of her beloved boat people a year.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 10 September 2013 1:08:07 PM
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Up close and personal Abbott does to seem to be a decent man. As I do not watch TV, listen to the radio or watch politicians strut their stuff on the internet I have never heard him speak or seen him in action.
But what does he really represent? Or what is the nature of the beast for/of which he is just a puppet?
It seems to me that he represents the now dominant neo-psychotic world-view manufactured by the right-wing think tanks as described in the various books by Sharon Beder, namely:
1. Selling the Work Ethic - From Puritan Pulpit To Corporate PR
2. Global Spin - The Corporate Assault on Environmentalism
3. Suiting Themselves - How Corporations Drive the Global Agenda
I would include the hugely big power-and-control-seeking corporation called the "catholic" church in this category
4. Free Market Missionaries - The Corporate Manipulation of Community Values
5. This Little Kiddy Went To Market - The Corporate Capture of Childhood

The outfits involved in creating this world-view were of course responsible for the phenomenon described by Naomi Klein in her truth-telling book The Shock Doctrine.

Tony and his ideological fellow travellers promote as a cultural necessity and even virtue, everything described as toxic and destructive of both human culture and the environment as described on the website Nature Bats Last (plus similar sites too). And in the work of Henry Giroux via books such as Zombie Politics & Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism, and a recent essay titled The Politics of Cruelty America's Descent Into Madness. Although this essay is about the USA its themes are also applicable to the rest of the world too, including the land of Oz.

Also an essay by Robinson titled Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity - an essay which criticises everything that Tony and the right-wing think tanks promote.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 10 September 2013 1:29:39 PM
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I look forward to selected readings from the Bible now, for all of us to abide by, Tony is a Catholic, lets not forget that.
Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 10 September 2013 2:52:01 PM
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Hi Murray, I find it curious that most of the commentators, hate peddlers and Hasbeen’s “sour brigade” make derogatory comments about somebody they don’t actually know.

I suspect most of us don’t know Tony Abbott well enough, close enough or personally enough to answer the most stupid question ever asked, which is “who would make better PM”, when TA has never actually been PM?

So one has to ask from where the nasty brigade gets their angry opinions from. Is it something political that he represents, is it the policies he stands for, is it envy of his education or the stable, community minded family man he appears to represent?

What is it about TA that represents a sufficient threat to generate such adolescent anger and abuse?

So many times we hear him accused of “slashing aid and torturing refugees” and being accused as a “small minded, narrow minded bigoted racist”. This from people who have absolutely no idea who or what the real TA is.

What in our society has caused these social aberrations to form such dysfunctional perceptions? How do they go about their normal lives as balanced and contributing members of our society?

I think the cause is a sad and dangerous combination of very poor education, total lack of social skills, the embrace of victimhood, the vulnerability of those dependent upon someone else’s opinion, those who are incapable of forming their own perspectives and those who cannot separate ideological spin from reality.

In the end I doubt TA, his administration or his policies, regardless of how well he performs, will have any positive impact on this generation. They are not actually angry at TA, they are angry within themselves because they simply do not fit into our 21st century society and they know it.

They are victims of the Twitter, Facebook and Google syndrome. More importantly, they are victims of the progressive media who are likewise angry and have directed the anger and frustration of the dysfunctional at what they see as a threat to their ideology.

God help these generational misfits.
Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 10 September 2013 3:27:30 PM
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God help these generation misfits, Spindoc you are clearly one of them as well, each and every one of us have our own opinions, so respect them, from my point of view, your first word God does absolutely nothing for me as I do not believe in man made supernatural beings,you obviously do and I respect that opinion and I must be allowed the same,as long as TA passes legislation through Parliament to what the community feels is right for them I will be a very happy person, but if his religious upbringing stops him from passing laws such as Gay marriage then to my mind he is bringing religion into Parliament, we do not need that.
Posted by Ojnab, Tuesday, 10 September 2013 6:09:23 PM
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