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The Forum > Article Comments > China: the real big picture > Comments

China: the real big picture : Comments

By Syd Hickman, published 22/8/2013

In explaining their policies the Chinese always talk 'climate change' but they act 'resource depletion'.

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This clean energy transition needs to be quick as the atmosphere can't afford for China to burn half of the world's coal creating 10 billion out of 31 billion tonnes of annual manmade CO2. They should aim for under 2 billion tonnes. BTW Germany is opening five new coal fired power stations in 2013 so they are not a good example. I doubt whether China and India can ever get their combined 2.6 billion people to a Western standard of affluence. When they run out of coal they will probably run out of arable land.

China can probably take the credit for lowering the cost of solar panels no doubt burning plenty of coal to make the silicon and other components. Therefore I'd be inclined to carbon tax everything made in China until this transition actually takes place. I don't doubt their wish to decarbonise it's just not fast enough.
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 22 August 2013 7:55:42 AM
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China has been running around the world buying up all the oilfields
and mining sites as fast as they could lay hands on them.
They are buying up farming land in Africa and Australia as fast as
dopey governments like ours will let them.
Our FIB lets China buy up to a small value of land but does not prevent
them buying ajacent land above the limit of value. Duhhh !

One of the Chinese buyers is a government owned company.
Does that mean we loose soveignty over that land ?
After all, Russia sold Alaska to the US.
After all, France sold Lousiana to the US.

Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 22 August 2013 8:58:12 AM
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