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The destruction of Barack Obama : Comments

By Robert Burrowes, published 18/7/2013

It takes someone with a particular psychological profile to kill and exploit people.

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The author writes: "His war-making, his use of illegal drone strikes, his failure to close Guantanamo, his failure to genuinely help those ordinary Americans who voted him into office, and even his pursuit of whistleblowers like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden have all raised concerns among those with the audacity to hope that he would be different."

Unlike Bush 1 and 2 Obama has not initiated any war and has avoided committing US forces to the war in Syria or allying the US with any of the factions in that war. He might want to close Guantanamo but has been prevented by Congress from doing so. He has helped ordinary Americans by extending medical care to them. He is a great improvement over his immediate predecessor.

His use of drones and treatment of whistle-blowers is completely unacceptable, but he is not guilty of all the author has charged him with. The author is guilty of unfair criticism and practicing remote psychiatry.
Posted by david f, Thursday, 18 July 2013 8:58:49 AM
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This must be the best article that OLO has ever published. It fully supports my view as to why the world needs to fear the U.S., Obama, and the immense power he wields.

Obama is clearly a psycho but doesn't realize it. Yet in the White House (which should be painted black) he commands an army that has a surfeit of weapons of mass destruction.

Obama is manipulated by the Jewish lobby in which psychos are like leaves in Autumn. The result of a combined Israel/U.S. mindset will be nuclear war and in the not to distant future.

Wake up, fellow Australians. The world is in peril and a nuclear holocaust is in the offing.

Act now to remove Australia from all American influences and condemn its rabid imperialism and warmongering before it's too late!
Posted by David G, Thursday, 18 July 2013 11:08:03 AM
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Yes a very interesting essay. It seems to me that it fits in with the Psychohistory paradigm originated by Lloyd deMause who wrote this pyscho-history profile of the "great communicator" Ronald Reagan

It seems to me that despite his original seeming good intentions Barack Obama was completely overwhelmed by the almost unstoppable momentum of the dark force or the "culture" of death that has been patterning (the pattern patterning) Western civilization for forever and a day - especially as it is now been dramatized in the USA which is the leading edge vector of Western civilization.

Alsp this very interesting site:
Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 18 July 2013 11:49:18 AM
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Ray McGovern is an ex- CIA senior analyst. This is really worth listening to.

Ray had a good friend who during a conversation with Obama revealed this insightful reality about Obama. These progressives asked Obama," Why don't you do the things we thought you stood for?" Obama replied," Don't you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Junior?"

Ray McGovern says that Obama is not evil, he just fears assassination. Ray goes on to call Obama a wuss who should not have taken the presidency if he does not have the courage to do the right thing. Ray is now a peace activist.
Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 18 July 2013 6:53:12 PM
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Robert Burrowes is an Australian peace activist who completely rejects violence in any form. Burrowes adopted this abnormal, deviant, fringe group attitude because five of his close family members died in World Wars 1&2. This has apparently traumatised Burrowes so much, that he has adopted an absolutist position on violence and non violence. Violence is absolutely wrong for every confrontation. Non violence is absolutely the correct solution to every confrontation.

Except for dedicated total pacifists like Burrowes, who always choose to live in societies where they are protected by men with guns, everybody on planet Earth considers violence is justifiable in certain situations. Where that line ends where people consider violence justifiable,varies from culture to culture.

Some societies are still living in the distant past. In such societies, men have medieval concepts of personnel honour and they think that the slightest insult should be responded to with the most appalling violence. Most civilised societies believe that violence is justified for self defence, the defence of an innocent or helpless person confronted by violent attack, or the defence of ones own closest family members from attack. Even the meekest of men will automatically swing into action and attack anybody who physically attacks his children. Such a response is part of our DNA.

Even in civilised societies, justification for violence can vary widely. The US state of Texas lists no less than 14 reasons why a citizen may legally kill another citizen. In British descended societies, there is no legal sanction for killing anybody. Any killing, even by a police officer who is forced to kill an offender to protect others, must be investigated by a coroner to ascertain justification.

The funny thing about Robert Burrows article is that he tries to psychoanalyse Barrack Obama to reveal where Obama got his apparently unacceptable (to Burrowes) idea that violence for self defence was justified. Instead of psychoanalysing a person like Obama who has perfectly normal western ideas about where violence is justified, Burrowes would be better off psychoanalysing himself and working out that his own attitudes are deviant and just plain potty.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 19 July 2013 6:53:26 AM
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More ad hominem from a clueless LEGO.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 19 July 2013 8:38:20 AM
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