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The most powerful word : Comments

By Bill Calcutt, published 28/6/2013

Terrorism continues to play a powerful role in many areas of public policy that is quite disproportionate to its actual risk.

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Winnowing out the waffle, Bill Calcutt first describes the principles which define a democratic government. He admits that democratic governments decisions can not always be transparent in the case of national security, and that statutory oversight bodies exist to prevent abuse of power.

He complains that that counter terrorism legislation is eroding democratic traditions and making well funded counter terrorism organizations too powerful. This he thinks is a bad thing because terrorism is an “irrational fear.” being “exploited for government partisan political purposes.’

Then Bill bursts out of his Trojan Horse and implies that this “irrational fear” is just a measure of white Australian xenophobia about the importation of foreigners and border protection.

Look Bill. People like you wanted a multicultural society and now you are getting it. “Racists” like me told you what would happen if we imported people into this country who’s values, attitudes and behaviours were diametrically opposed to that of a western democratic society we wish to preserve. And we were right. We predicted ghettoism with high levels of criminal behaviour and high levels of welfare dependency, and we were right. We predicted race riots and social strife and we were right. . We also predicted terrorism and were right. We predicted that our cherished democratic rights and freedoms would come under attack to fight this crime and terrorism, and guess what Bill? We were right.

People like you are incredible, Bill. You advocate fairy land policies based upon unobtainable moral absolutes, and when your cherished dream turns into a nightmare, you complain about what is happening to your society, blame the people that opposed your views all along, demand that your failed policies continue, and attack the people who have to deal with the avoidable problems that people like you created
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 28 June 2013 8:58:55 AM
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I found this a helpful article. I dunno where Lego
learnt to read but i thought the author said that terrorism
is convenient for politicians (old formula of engendering
insecurity) and the physical consequences of
terrorist operations are marginal - so lets grow
up. Eh?
Posted by asho, Friday, 28 June 2013 4:13:01 PM
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Really interesting Bill. It's convenient for the government to lie to itself. This allows the evident disparity between the apparent spectre (fear) of terrorism and the reality of its impacts to be avoided.

And, people like you are incredible, Lego. This isn't really the place for a personal attack.
Posted by Duplo, Friday, 28 June 2013 10:19:30 PM
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Lego, as an immigrant you are living in a black peoples country, and is why you enjoy the lifestyle you have; other than from whence you came.
Posted by Kipp, Saturday, 29 June 2013 5:59:48 PM
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Hi Mr/Ms Kipp.

The best thing that ever happened to the aboriginal people of Australia was the coming of the British. Wherever the British and European people went throughout the world, they created safe and functioning societies that every other race and ethnicity is now doing their best to barge into. Look around the world and see how black run societies are now reverting back into barbarism to understand that essential truth. Even in Australia, policies such as the "intervention" tacitly admit that most tribal black people do not have the maturity to run their own affairs without white supervision.

Want to migrate somewhere? Head to any country where they speak English.

Now, see how the Western societies that you choose to live in are breaking up into ethnic ghettoes. Ask yourself, "why are they breaking up?"

The reason why they are breaking up, is because of a cultural universal. People of every race and culture wish to live among their own kith and kin. People that they feel safe with and who's behaviour they can understand and anticipate. They are breaking up, because everyone is racist, to one degree or another.

I am a white North European, and just like the immigrants who have come to my people's successful country, I want to live among my people as well. Especially since it is self evident that some races and ethnicities are extremely dangerous and dysfunctional.

Australian society is becoming more violent, and much of that violence is caused by the immigration of ethnicities and religions which are very disproportionately represented in serious criminal behaviour and terrorism. People like Bill Calcutt, who wrote this article, not only pretend that they can not see the obvious, they even complain about their government instituting policies which cut back on our civil liberties to fight the problem which people like Bill Calcutt created
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 30 June 2013 6:42:52 AM
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Your two posts are spot on. Even now people like Bill Calcutt are too stupid to understand
that it is they! who set this multiculturalism up, who have caused us, and worse our children,
to live in fear of having our arms and legs blown off in crowds or supermarkets or on trains, buses, etc.
I am glad for whatever measures our governments take to try to prevent that happening.
But not Bill, oh no!
Lives in his own little hate your own government and country and not the people who commit these terrorist attacks, world.

Well! Bill, as a fellow countryman(woman), thank you for putting my children and their children at risk.
Now you have the gall to attack a government that is trying to protect them and you. If you are not one with us then go
and live as an exile in a fundamentalist country. Wouldn't give up your Western privileges or Western protection to do that.

Maybe you could join the Country-Less Julian Assange or Snowden.
One who now lives in a room inside a foreign Embassy and the other
inside an Airport in Russia. They never thought their Western
Communities might reject them for being turncoats, the way they constantly rejected
and spat poison at their own societies who offered
them shelter and community support.

Now they live in twilight zones in countries who will never really accept them as one of their own.
They don't care two hoots about them, they are only using them to spite the West.
Oh! so sad and alone. Poor Assange and Snowden
but this is the price of disloyalty. Who needs friends who turn our national government security activities over to the enemy.
I see you as foe not friend Bill Calcutt.
Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 18 July 2013 9:56:11 PM
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